Смотреть что такое "multisectional" в других словарях:
multisectional — adj. * * * … Universalium
multisectional — mul ti•sec′tion•al adj … From formal English to slang
multisectional — adj … Useful english dictionary
Orlando Gibbons — (baptised 25 December 1583 – 5 June 1625) was an English composer, virginalist and organist of the late Tudor and early Jacobean periods. He was a leading composer in the England of his day … Wikipedia
canzona — /kan zoh neuh/; It. /kahn tsaw nah/, n., pl. canzone / nay/; It. / ne/. canzone. * * * ▪ music Italian canzone (“song” or “chanson”) , plural canzoni a genre of Italian (Italy) instrumental music in the 16th and 17th centuries. In 18th… … Universalium
sonata — /seuh nah teuh/, n. Music. a composition for one or two instruments, typically in three or four movements in contrasted forms and keys. [1685 95; < It < L sonata, fem. of sonatus (ptp. of sonare to SOUND1). See SONANT, ATE1] * * * I Musical form… … Universalium
Jenkins, John — ▪ English composer born 1592, Maidstone, Kent, Eng. died Oct. 27, 1678, Kimberley, Norfolk composer, lutenist, and string player, most eminent composer in his era of music for chamber ensembles. He was musician to Charles I and Charles II… … Universalium
music, Western — Introduction history of Western music from ancient times to the present. All ancient civilizations entered historical times with a flourishing musical culture. That the earliest writers explained it in terms of legend and myth is… … Universalium
musical form — Introduction the structure of a musical composition. The term is regularly used in two senses: to denote a standard type, or genre, and to denote the procedures in a specific work. The nomenclature for the various musical formal types may… … Universalium
секционный коллектор — Коллектор прибора СВЧ, разделенный на несколько секций, на которые подаются различные напряжения для рекуперации энергии отработанных электронов. [ГОСТ 23769 79] Тематики приборы и устройства защитные СВЧ Обобщающие термины конструктивные… … Справочник технического переводчика
Секционный коллектор — 143. Секционный коллектор Multisectional collector Коллектор прибора СВЧ, разделенный на несколько секций, на которые подаются различные напряжения для рекуперации энергии отработанных электронов Источник: ГОСТ 23769 79: Приборы электронные и… … Словарь-справочник терминов нормативно-технической документации