multiplying constant

multiplying constant
коэффициент нитяного дальномера

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "multiplying constant" в других словарях:

  • Constant Yield Method — One of two ways of calculating the accrued discount of bonds that trade in the secondary market. The constant yield method is an alternative to the ratable accrual method, and although it usually results in a lesser accrual of discount than the… …   Investment dictionary

  • Constant Percent Prepayment — Annualized estimate of mortgage loan prepayments, computed by multiplying the average monthly prepayment rate by 12. This is used to determine cash flow in structured finance transactions, often referred to as the secondary mortgage market. It… …   Investment dictionary

  • Planck constant — Planck s relation redirects here. For the law governing black body radiation, see Planck s law. Values of h Units 6.62606957(29)×10−34 J·s[1] 4.135 …   Wikipedia

  • Calorimeter constant — A calorimeter constant (denoted C cal) is a constant that quantifies the heat capacity of a calorimeter. It may be calculated by applying a known amount of heat to the calorimeter and measuring the calorimeter s corresponding change in… …   Wikipedia

  • Mortgage constant — Mortgage constant, also called mortgage capitalization rate is the capitalization rate for debt. It is usually computed monthly by dividing the monthly payment by the mortgage principal. An annualized mortgage constant can be found by multiplying …   Wikipedia

  • Curie constant — Curie constant, Physics. the result of multiplying the magnetic susceptibility per unit mass of a paramagnetic substance by the absolute temperature. [see etym. under curie (Cf. ↑curie)] …   Useful english dictionary

  • Method of matched asymptotic expansions — In mathematics, particularly in solving singularly perturbed differential equations, the method of matched asymptotic expansions is a common approach to finding an accurate approximation to a problem s solution. Contents 1 Method overview 2… …   Wikipedia

  • Swami Bharati Krishna Tirtha's Vedic mathematics — For the actual mathematics of the Vedic period, see the articles on Sulba Sūtras and Indian mathematics.Swami Bharati Krishna Tirtha s Vedic mathematics is a system of mathematics consisting of a list of 16 basic sūtras, or aphorisms. They were… …   Wikipedia

  • Multiplication algorithm — A multiplication algorithm is an algorithm (or method) to multiply two numbers. Depending on the size of the numbers, different algorithms are in use. Efficient multiplication algorithms have existed since the advent of the decimal system.… …   Wikipedia

  • Measuring instrument — Captain Nemo and Professor Aronnax contemplating measuring instruments in Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea …   Wikipedia

  • Dimensional analysis — In physics and all science, dimensional analysis is a tool to find or check relations among physical quantities by using their dimensions. The dimension of a physical quantity is the combination of the basic physical dimensions (usually mass,… …   Wikipedia

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