- multiplicative class
- мат. мультипликативный класс
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Multiplicative number theory — is a subfield of analytic number theory that deals with prime numbers and with factorization and divisors. The focus is usually on developing approximate formulas for counting these objects in various contexts. The prime number theorem is a key… … Wikipedia
Multiplicative partition — In number theory, a multiplicative partition or unordered factorization of an integer n that is greater than 1 is a way of writing n as a product of integers greater than 1, treating two products as equivalent if they differ only in the ordering… … Wikipedia
Multiplicative group of integers modulo n — In modular arithmetic the set of congruence classes relatively prime to the modulus n form a group under multiplication called the multiplicative group of integers modulo n. It is also called the group of primitive residue classes modulo n. In… … Wikipedia
Multiplicative order — In number theory, given an integer a and a positive integer n with gcd(a,n) = 1, the multiplicative order of a modulo n is the smallest positive integer k with ak ≡ 1 (mod n). The order of a modulo n is usually written ordn(a), or On(a). Contents … Wikipedia
Class formation — In mathematics, a class formation is a structure used to organize the various Galois groups and modules that appear in class field theory. They were invented by Emil Artin and John Tate. Contents 1 Definitions 2 Examples of class formations 3 The … Wikipedia
Class number formula — In number theory, the class number formula relates many important invariants of a number field to a special value of its Dedekind zeta function Contents 1 General statement of the class number formula 2 Galois extensions of the rationals 3 A … Wikipedia
Genus of a multiplicative sequence — In mathematics, the genus of a multiplicative sequence is a ring homomorphism, from the cobordism ring of smooth oriented compact manifolds to another ring, usually the ring of rational numbers.DefinitionA genus phi; assigns a number phi;( X ) to … Wikipedia
Ideal class group — In mathematics, the extent to which unique factorization fails in the ring of integers of an algebraic number field (or more generally any Dedekind domain) can be described by a certain group known as an ideal class group (or class group). If… … Wikipedia
Pontryagin class — In mathematics, the Pontryagin classes are certain characteristic classes. The Pontryagin class lies in cohomology groups with index a multiple of four. It applies to real vector bundles. Definition Given a vector bundle E over M , its k th… … Wikipedia
Local class field theory — In mathematics, local class field theory is the study in number theory of the abelian extensions of local fields. It is in itself a rather successful theory, leading to definite conclusions. It is also important for (and was developed to help… … Wikipedia
Selberg class — In mathematics, the Selberg class S is an axiomatic definition of the class of L functions. The members of the class are Dirichlet series which obey four axioms that seem to capture the essential properties satisfied by most functions that are… … Wikipedia