Смотреть что такое "multiple-motor" в других словарях:
Motor-generator — Radio station motor generator set, converting from low to the high voltage power supply. This device is called an umformer in German. Dübendorf Museum of Military Aviation A motor generator (an M G set or a dynamotor for dynamo motor) is a device … Wikipedia
Motor coordination — is shown in this animated sequence by Eadweard Muybridge of himself throwing a disk Motor coordination is the combination of body movements created with the kinematic (such as spatial direction) and kinetic (force) parameters that result in… … Wikipedia
Multiple-unit train control — Multiple unit train control, sometimes abbreviated to multiple unit or MU, is a method of simultaneously controlling all the traction equipment in a train from a single location, whether it is a Multiple unit comprising a number of self powered… … Wikipedia
Motor neurone disease — Classification and external resources spinal diagram ICD 10 G12.2 … Wikipedia
Multiple system atrophy — Classification and external resources ICD 10 G90.3 ICD 9 333.0 … Wikipedia
Motor Skill Consolidation — represents the process by which motor skills are transformed from an initial fragile state, in which they are especially prone to being disrupted or lost, to a more solid or permanent state.[1] Any newly formed motor skill, such as learning to… … Wikipedia
Motor FIRE — Motor Fiat FIRE Motor Fiat FIRE detalle. Motor Fire es la … Wikipedia Español
Motor Torpedo Boat PT-34 — was a PT 20 class motor torpedo boat commissioned on 12 July 1941. The commander of PT 34 was Ltjg. Robert B. Kelly, the executive officer of Motor Torpedo Boat Squadron Three, based in the Philippines from late 1941 through April 1942. On 17… … Wikipedia
Multiple-complex Developmental Disorder — (McDD) represents a distinct group within the autism spectrum based on symptomatology.Ever since autism was first recognized, its continuity with schizophrenia has been a matter of debate. In fact, until the late 1970s, children with autism were… … Wikipedia
Multiple unit — This article is about Multiple Units vehicles. For the train control technology, see Multiple unit train control. Multiple unit trains Subtypes Electric multiple unit Diesel multiple unit Push–pull train Technology … Wikipedia
Motor program — A motor program is an abstract representation of movement that centrally organizes and controls the many degrees of freedom involved in performing an action (Schmidt and Lee, 2005 p. 182). Signals transmitted through efferent and afferent… … Wikipedia