Смотреть что такое "multiple-factor" в других словарях:
multiple factor — n POLYGENE … Medical dictionary
multiple factor — noun 1. : multiple allele 2. : one of a group of nonallelic genes that according to the multiple factor hypothesis control various quantitative hereditary characters (as size and skin color) compare polygene, quantitative inheritance … Useful english dictionary
multiple factor — noun Date: 1915 one of a group of nonallelic genes that according to the multiple factor hypothesis control various quantitative hereditary characters … New Collegiate Dictionary
Factor-X — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Para el programa de televisión, véase Factor X (TV). Un wikipedista está trabajando actualmente en extender este artículo. Es posible que, a causa de ello, haya lagunas de contenido o deficiencias de formato. Por… … Wikipedia Español
Factor analysis — is a statistical method used to describe variability among observed, correlated variables in terms of a potentially lower number of unobserved, uncorrelated variables called factors. In other words, it is possible, for example, that variations in … Wikipedia
Multiple organ dysfunction syndrome — Classification and external resources ICD 9 995.92 eMedicine med/3372 … Wikipedia
Multiple sclerosis — Classification and external resources Demyelination by MS. The CD68 colored tissue shows several macrophages in the area of the lesion. Original scale 1:100 ICD … Wikipedia
Multiple sulfatase deficiency — Classification and external resources OMIM 272200 MeSH D052517 Multiple sulfatase deficiency (also known as Austin dis … Wikipedia
Multiple Sclerosis Journal — Abbreviated title (ISO … Wikipedia
Multiple chemical sensitivity — Classification and external resources MeSH D018777 Multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS) is a chronic medical condition characterized by symptoms the affected person attributes to exposure to low levels of chemicals. Commonly suspected substances… … Wikipedia
Multiple myeloma — Classification and external resources Micrograph of a plasmacytoma, the histologic correlate of multiple myeloma. H E stain ICD … Wikipedia