multiple inspection

multiple inspection
многоступенчатый план статистического приемочного контроля

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "multiple inspection" в других словарях:

  • Multiple myeloma — Classification and external resources Micrograph of a plasmacytoma, the histologic correlate of multiple myeloma. H E stain ICD …   Wikipedia

  • Multiple star — Artist s impression of the orbits of HD 188753, a triple star system A multiple star consists of three or more stars which appear from the Earth to be close to one another in the sky. This may result from the stars being physically close and… …   Wikipedia

  • Deep content inspection — (DCI) is a form of network filtering that examines an entire file or MIME object as it passes an inspection point, searching for viruses, spam, data loss, key words or other content level criteria. Deep Content Inspection is considered the… …   Wikipedia

  • Rail inspection — is the practice of examining rail tracks for flaws that could lead to catastrophic failures. According to the United States Federal Railroad Administration Office of Safety Analysis, [ [ Federal… …   Wikipedia

  • Deep packet inspection — (DPI) (also called complete packet inspection and Information eXtraction IX ) is a form of computer network packet filtering that examines the data part (and possibly also the header) of a packet as it passes an inspection point, searching for… …   Wikipedia

  • Fagan inspection — refers to a structured process of trying to find defects in development documents such as programming code, specifications, designs and others during various phases of the software development process. It is named after Michael Fagan who is… …   Wikipedia

  • Internal rotary inspection system — (IRIS) is an ultrasonic method for the nondestructive testing of pipes and tubes. The IRIS probe is inserted into a tube that is flooded with water, and the probe is pulled out slowly as the data is displayed and recorded. The ultrasonic beam… …   Wikipedia

  • Elevator consultant — An elevator consultant is someone who specializes in the design, testing, and maintenance inspection of elevators, escalators, moving walkways, and many other conveyances that move people. They are not to be confused with Elevator Mechanics.… …   Wikipedia

  • Smart camera — A smart camera is an integrated machine vision system which, in addition to image capture circuitry, includes a processor, which can extract information from images without need for an external processing unit, and interface devices used to make… …   Wikipedia

  • List of Statutory Instruments of the United Kingdom, 2006 — This is an incomplete list of Statutory Instruments of the United Kingdom in 2006. NOTOC 1 100* Public Contracts Regulations 2006 S.I. 2006/5 * Utilities Contracts Regulations 2006 S.I. 2006/6 * M6 Motorway (Junction 36, Town Head Bridge Parapet… …   Wikipedia

  • List of Statutory Instruments of the United Kingdom, 2007 — This is an incomplete list of Statutory Instruments of the United Kingdom in 2007. NOTOC 1 100* Cider and Perry and Wine and Made wine (Amendment) Regulations 2007 S.I. 2007/4 * Customs and Excise (Personal Reliefs for Special Visitors)… …   Wikipedia

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