multiple fault
Смотреть что такое "multiple fault" в других словарях:
Fault-tolerant computer systems — are systems designed around the concepts of fault tolerance. In essence, they have to be able to keep working to a level of satisfaction in the presence of faults. Types of fault tolerance Most fault tolerant computer systems are designed to be… … Wikipedia
Multiple-unit train control — Multiple unit train control, sometimes abbreviated to multiple unit or MU, is a method of simultaneously controlling all the traction equipment in a train from a single location, whether it is a Multiple unit comprising a number of self powered… … Wikipedia
Multiple description coding — (MDC) is a coding technique that fragments a single media stream into n substreams (n ≥ 2) referred to as descriptions. The packets of each description are routed over multiple, (partially) disjoint paths. In order to decode the media… … Wikipedia
Fault Tolerant Messaging — or Failover Abstraction is the ability to transparently “failover” a call or request from one service transport protocol to another upon failure with no changes to the functional code or business logic implementation. In elemenope, this ability… … Wikipedia
Fault-tolerant system — This article contains specific implementations of fault tolerant systems. For general theory, see fault tolerant design. Fault tolerance or graceful degradation is the property that enables a system (often computer based) to continue operating… … Wikipedia
Fault-tolerant design — In engineering, Fault tolerant design, also known as fail safe design, is a design that enables a system to continue operation, possibly at a reduced level (also known as graceful degradation), rather than failing completely, when some part of… … Wikipedia
Fault scarp — A fault scarp is the topographic expression of faulting attributed to the displacement of the land surface by movement along the fault. It can be caused by differential erosion along an old inactive geologic fault (a sort of old rupture) with… … Wikipedia
Fault management — In network management, fault management is the set of functions that detect, isolate, and correct malfunctions in a telecommunications network, compensate for environmental changes, and include maintaining and examining error logs, accepting and… … Wikipedia
Neodani Fault — This fault can be seen as a step portion in the center of the photo. Neodani Fault (根尾谷断層, Neodani Dansō? … Wikipedia
Hayward Fault Zone — The Hayward Fault Zone is a geologic fault zone capable of generating significantly destructive earthquakes. About 60 kilometers long, it lies mainly along the western base of the hills on the east side of San Francisco Bay. It runs through… … Wikipedia
Byzantine fault tolerance — is a sub field of error tolerance research inspired by the Byzantine Generals Problem, which is a generalized version of the Two Generals Problem.The object of Byzantine fault tolerance is to be able to defend against a Byzantine failure , in… … Wikipedia