multiphase fluid
Смотреть что такое "multiphase fluid" в других словарях:
Multiphase particle-in-cell method — The multiphase particle in cell method (MP PIC) is a numerical method for modeling particle fluid and particle particle interactions in a computational fluid dynamics (CFD) calculation. The MP PIC method achieves greater stability than its… … Wikipedia
Multiphase flow — In fluid mechanics, multiphase flow is a generalisation of the modelling used in two phase flow to cases where the two phases are not chemically related (e.g. dusty gases) or where more than two phases are present (e.g. in modelling of… … Wikipedia
Multiphase flow meter — A multiphase flow meter is a device used in the oil and gas industry to measure the individual phase flow rates of petroleum, water and gas mixtures produced during oil production processes. Contents 1 Background 2 Conventional Solutions 3… … Wikipedia
Computational fluid dynamics — Computational physics Numerical analysis … Wikipedia
OLGA (technology) — OLGA is a modelling tool for transportation of oil, natural gas and water in the same pipeline, so called multiphase transportation. The name is short for “oil and gas simulator”. The main challenge with multiphase fluid flow is the formation of… … Wikipedia
многофазный флюид — — [ russkiy slovar neftegazovoy promyishlennosti/] Тематики нефтегазовая промышленность EN multiphase fluid … Справочник технического переводчика
Material Point Method — The Material Point Method (MPM), is an extension of the Particle in cell (PIC) Method in computational fluid dynamics to computational solid dynamics, and is a Finite element method (FEM) based particle method. It is primarily used for multiphase … Wikipedia
Lattice Boltzmann methods — (LBM) is a class of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) methods for fluid simulation. Instead of solving the Navier–Stokes equations, the discrete Boltzmann equation is solved to simulate the flow of a Newtonian fluid with collision models such as … Wikipedia
Navier–Stokes equations — Continuum mechanics … Wikipedia
Dimensionless quantity — In dimensional analysis, a dimensionless quantity or quantity of dimension one is a quantity without an associated physical dimension. It is thus a pure number, and as such always has a dimension of 1.[1] Dimensionless quantities are widely used… … Wikipedia
Relative permeability — In multiphase flow in porous media, relative permeability is a dimensionless measure of the effective permeability of each phase. It can be viewed as an adaptation of Darcy s law to multiphase flow. For two phase flow in porous media given steady … Wikipedia