Смотреть что такое "multipede" в других словарях:
multípede — adj. 2 g. Que tem muitos pés … Dicionário da Língua Portuguesa
multipède — (mul ti pè d ) adj. Terme de zoologie. Qui a un grand nombre de pattes. S. m. Les multipèdes. ÉTYMOLOGIE Multi..., et le latin pes, pedis, pied … Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré
-pède — ♦ Élément, du lat. pes, pedis « pied » : quadrupède. péd(i) , pède, pédie éléments, du lat. pes, pedis, pied . pède V. péd(i) . ⇒ PÈDE, élém. formant Élém. tiré du lat. pes, pedis « … Encyclopédie Universelle
Atari 8-bit family — The Atari 8 bit family is a series of 8 bit home computers manufactured from 1979 to 1992. All are based on the MOS Technology 6502 CPU and were the first home computers designed with custom coprocessor chips, giving them the most powerful… … Wikipedia
multiped — /mul ti ped /, adj. having many feet. Also, multipede /mul ti peed /. [1595 1605; < L multiped (s. of multipes) many footed. See MULTI , PED] * * * … Universalium
Scolopendra — A genus of centipedes characterized by 21–23 pairs of legs. Common U.S. species are S. heros (the Western house centipede) and S. morsitans. [Mod. L., fr. G. skolopendra, multipede] * * * Sco·lo·pen·dra (sko″lo penґdrə) [Gr. skolops… … Medical dictionary
Atari 400/800/XL/XE — Atari 800XL одна из самых популярных моделей серии Atari 400, Atari 800, серии XL и XE семейство 8 разрядных домашних компьютеров … Википедия
multiped — /ˈmʌltipɛd/ (say multeeped) adjective 1. having many feet. –noun 2. a creature that has many feet. Also, multipede /ˈmʌltipid/ (say multeepeed). {Latin multipēs (adjective and noun) many footed} …
Kelleresel — Ein Kelleresel1 kann keinen Elefanten begreifen. 1) Umgedeutet aus Kellerassel, Schabe (Multipede). – Kleine, engherzige Seelen müssen nothwendig ebenso sehr über den Geist grosser Männer erstaunen, wie Kelleresel, wenn sie Elefanten begegnen … Deutsches Sprichwörter-Lexikon
multiped — [mul′tipēd΄mul′tə ped΄] adj. [L multipes (gen. multipedis) < multi ,MULTI + pes (gen. pedis), FOOT] having many feet n. Rare a multiped animal or insect: Also multipede [mul′tipēd΄] … English World dictionary