- multigraph
- мультиграф - bicolored multigraph - symmetric multigraph мультиграф
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Multigraph — Mul ti*graph, n. [Multi + graph.] A combined rotary type setting and printing machine for office use. The type is transferred semi automatically by means of keys from a type supply drum to a printing drum. The printing may be done by means of an… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Multĭgraph — (lat. griech., »Vielschreiber«), s. Hektograph … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
Multigraph — Multigraph, s. Hektograph … Lexikon der gesamten Technik
Multigraph — Pseudograph redirects here. It is not to be confused with Pseudepigraph. This article is about the mathematical concept. For other uses, see Multigraph (disambiguation). A multigraph with multiple edges (red) and several loops (blue). Not all… … Wikipedia
multigraph — ˈməltə̇ˌgraf, rȧf transitive verb : to print on a Multigraph machine … Useful english dictionary
Multigraph (disambiguation) — A multigraph is a mathematical graph where some pairs of vertices are connected by more than one edge. Multigraph also may refer to: Multigraph (orthography) American Multigraph, corporate merger partner with producer of addressograph machines… … Wikipedia
Multigraph (orthography) — A multigraph is a sequence of letters that behaves as a unit and is not the sum of its parts, such as English ⟨ch⟩ or French ⟨eau⟩. The term is infrequently used, as the number of letters is usually specified: Digraph (two letters, as ⟨ch⟩ or… … Wikipedia
Multigraph — Ein Graph besteht in der Graphentheorie anschaulich aus einer Menge von Punkten, zwischen denen Linien verlaufen. Die Punkte nennt man Knoten oder Ecken, die Linien nennt man meist Kanten, manchmal auch Bögen. Auf die Form der Knoten und Kanten… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Multigraph — /mul ti graf , grahf / 1. Trademark. a brand name for a rotary typesetting and printing machine, commonly used in making many copies of written matter. v.t., v.i. 2. (l.c.) to print with such a machine. * * * … Universalium
multigraph — noun a) A set (whose elements are called or ), taken together with a multiset , each of whose elements (called an or ) is a cardinality two multisubset of . b) A set (as before), taken together with a multiset , each of whose elements is a… … Wiktionary
Multigraph — Mul·ti·graph … English syllables