Смотреть что такое "multiflow" в других словарях:
Multiflow — Computer, Inc. , founded in April, 1984 near New Haven, Connecticut, USA, was a manufacturer and seller of minisupercomputer hardware and software embodying the VLIW design style. Multiflow, incorporated in Delaware, ended operations in March,… … Wikipedia
Very long instruction word — or VLIW refers to a CPU architecture designed to take advantage of instruction level parallelism (ILP). A processor that executes every instruction one after the other (i.e. a non pipelined scalar architecture) may use processor resources… … Wikipedia
ST200 family — The ST200 is a family of VLIW processor cores based on technology jointly developed byHewlett Packard Laboratories and STMicroelectronics under the name Lx. The main application of the ST200 family is embedded media processing. Lx Architecture… … Wikipedia
Processeur VLIW — Very Long Instruction Word VLIW, initiales de Very Long Instruction Word en anglais, traduit littéralement par « Mot d instruction très long », dénote une famille d ordinateurs dotés d un processeur à mot d instruction très long… … Wikipédia en Français
VLIW — Very Long Instruction Word VLIW, initiales de Very Long Instruction Word en anglais, traduit littéralement par « Mot d instruction très long », dénote une famille d ordinateurs dotés d un processeur à mot d instruction très long… … Wikipédia en Français
Very Long Instruction Word — VLIW, initiales de Very Long Instruction Word en anglais, traduit littéralement par « Mot d instruction très long », dénote une famille d ordinateurs dotés d un processeur à mot d instruction très long (couramment supérieur à 128 bits) … Wikipédia en Français
Minisupercomputer — Not to be confused with superminicomputer. Minisupercomputers constituted a short lived class of computers that emerged in the mid 1980s. As scientific computing using vector processors became more popular, the need for lower cost systems that… … Wikipedia
Josh Fisher — Joseph A. (Josh) Fisher is an American computer scientist. He is a Hewlett Packard Senior Fellow. He worked at HP Labs from 1990 through 2006 in instruction level parallelism and in custom embedded VLIW processors and their compilers. Fisher… … Wikipedia
Bob Colwell — Robert P. Bob Colwell (born 1954) is an electrical engineer who worked at Intel and is now an independent consultant. He was the chief IA 32 architect on the Pentium Pro, Pentium II, Pentium III, and Pentium 4 microprocessors. Bob retired from… … Wikipedia
List of computer system manufacturers — This list is incomplete; you can help by expanding it. The following is a list of notable computer system manufacturers. Contents 1 Current 2 Defunct 3 See als … Wikipedia
Минисуперкомпьютер — Для улучшения этой статьи желательно?: Найти и оформить в виде сносок ссылки на авторитетные источники, подтверждающие написанное. Добавить иллюстрации. Минису … Википедия