multidimensional problem

multidimensional problem
мат. многомерная задача

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "multidimensional problem" в других словарях:

  • multidimensional — /mʌltidəˈmɛnʃənəl/ (say multee duhmenshuhnuhl) adjective 1. of, relating to, or having more than three dimensions. 2. having many different aspects or components: a multidimensional problem …  

  • Multidimensional scaling — (MDS) is a set of related statistical techniques often used in information visualization for exploring similarities or dissimilarities in data. MDS is a special case of ordination. An MDS algorithm starts with a matrix of item–item similarities,… …   Wikipedia

  • Multidimensional database — Multidimensional databases are variously (depending on the context) data aggregators which combine data from a multitude of data sources; databases which offer networks, hierarchies, arrays and other data formats difficult to model in SQL; or… …   Wikipedia

  • Multidimensional hierarchical toolkit — The Multidimensional hierarchical toolkit or Multi Dimensional and Hierarchical (MDH) Database Toolkit is a Linux based, open sourced, toolkit of portable software that supports very fast, flexible, multi dimensional and hierarchical storage,… …   Wikipedia

  • Minkowski problem — In differential geometry, the Minkowski problem, named after Hermann Minkowski, asks, for a given strictly positive real function ƒ defined on sphere, for a strictly convex compact surface S whose Gaussian curvature at the point x equals ƒ(n(x)) …   Wikipedia

  • Necklace splitting problem — In mathematics, and in particular combinatorics, the necklace splitting problem arises in a variety of contexts including exact division; its picturesque name is due to mathematicians Noga Alon [1] and Douglas B. West.[2] Suppose a necklace, open …   Wikipedia

  • Species problem — The species problem is a mixture of difficult, related questions that often come up when biologists identify species and when they define the word species .One common but sometimes difficult question is how best to decide just which particular… …   Wikipedia

  • Klee's measure problem — In computational geometry, Klee s measure problem is the problem of determining how efficiently the measure of a union of (multidimensional) rectangular ranges can be computed. Here, a d dimensional rectangular range is defined to be a cartesian… …   Wikipedia

  • Invariant subspace problem — In the field of mathematics known as functional analysis, one of the most prominent open problems is the invariant subspace problem, sometimes optimistically known as the invariant subspace conjecture. It is the question whether the following… …   Wikipedia

  • Alexei Wassiljewitsch Pogorelow — (russisch Алексей Васильевич Погорелов, ukrainisch Олексій Васильович Погорєлов/Oleksij Wassylowytsch Pohorjelow; * 2. März 1919 in Korotscha, Oblast Belgorod; † 17. Dezember 2002 in Moskau) war ein sowjetischer Mathematiker russischer… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Tumorkachexie — Klassifikation nach ICD 10 C80 Kachexie durch bösartige Neubildung. Anmerkung:[1] …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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