multidimensional classification

multidimensional classification
мат. многомерная классификация

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "multidimensional classification" в других словарях:

  • Computerized classification test — A computerized classification test (CCT) refers to, as its name would suggest, a test that is administered by computer for the purpose of classifying examinees. The most common CCT is a mastery test where the test classifies examinees as Pass or… …   Wikipedia

  • Race (classification of humans) — Race Classification Race (classification of humans) Genetics …   Wikipedia

  • For-profit education — (also known as the education services industry or proprietary education) refers to educational institutions operated by private, profit seeking businesses. There are two major types of for profit schools. One type is known as an educational… …   Wikipedia

  • Proprietary colleges — are American for profit colleges and universities. They are operated by their owners or investors, rather than a not for profit institution, religious organization, or state or local government. Sometimes a proprietary college may also overlap… …   Wikipedia

  • Pain — This article is about physical pain. For pain in the broader sense, see Suffering. For other uses, see Pain (disambiguation). Pain A sports player in pain. ICD 10 R52 …   Wikipedia

  • Glossaire du data mining — Exploration de données Articles principaux Exploration de données Fouille de données spatiales Fouille du web Fouille de flots de données Fouille de textes …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Linear discriminant analysis — (LDA) and the related Fisher s linear discriminant are methods used in statistics, pattern recognition and machine learning to find a linear combination of features which characterize or separate two or more classes of objects or events. The… …   Wikipedia

  • Nearest neighbor search — (NNS), also known as proximity search, similarity search or closest point search, is an optimization problem for finding closest points in metric spaces. The problem is: given a set S of points in a metric space M and a query point… …   Wikipedia

  • K-nearest neighbor algorithm — In pattern recognition, the k nearest neighbor algorithm ( k NN) is a method for classifying objects based on closest training examples in the feature space. k NN is a type of instance based learning, or lazy learning where the function is only… …   Wikipedia

  • Urheimat — Indo European topics Indo European languages (list) Albanian · Armenian · Baltic Celtic · Germanic · Greek Indo Iranian (Indo Aryan, Iranian) Italic  …   Wikipedia

  • Optimal discriminant analysis — (ODA) and the related classification tree analysis (CTA) are statistical methods that maximize predictive accuracy. For any specific sample and exploratory or confirmatory hypothesis, optimal discriminant analysis (ODA) identifies the statistical …   Wikipedia

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