
многопризначный, со многими атрибутами (об отношении между объектами в реляционных базах данных) многопризначный multiattribute вчт. многопризначный

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "multiattribute" в других словарях:

  • Potentially all pairwise rankings of all possible alternatives — (PAPRIKA) is a method for multi criteria decision making (MCDM) or conjoint analysis based on decision makers’ preferences as expressed using pairwise rankings of alternatives.[1][2] The PAPRIKA method – implemented via a specific type of… …   Wikipedia

  • Multi-criteria decision analysis — Multiple criteria decision making or multiple criteria decision analysis is a sub discipline of operations research that explicitly considers multiple criteria in decision making environments. Whether in our daily lives or in professional… …   Wikipedia

  • Utility — This article is about the economic concept. For other uses, see Utility (disambiguation). Part of a series on Utilitarianism …   Wikipedia

  • Satisficing — (a portmanteau of satisfy and suffice ) is a decision making strategy which attempts to meet criteria for adequacy, rather than to identify an optimal solution. A satisficing strategy may often be (near) optimal if the costs of the decision… …   Wikipedia

  • Conjoint analysis (in marketing) — NOTOC Conjoint analysis is a statistical technique used in market research to determine how people value different features that make up an individual Product or Service. The objective of conjoint analysis is to determine what combination of a… …   Wikipedia

  • New Coke — Type Cola Manufacturer The Coca Cola Company Distributor Coca Cola Enterprises …   Wikipedia

  • Multi-Attribute Global Inference of Quality — (MAGIQ) is a multi criteria decision analysis technique. MAGIQ is based on a hierarchical decomposition of comparison attributes and rating assignment using rank order centroids. The MAGIQ technique is used to assign a single, overall measure of… …   Wikipedia

  • Belief structure — A belief structure is a distributed assessment with beliefs. It is used in the Evidential Reasoning (ER) Approach for MCDA to represent the performance of an alternative option on a criterion. For example, the quality of a car engine may be… …   Wikipedia

  • Belief decision matrix — Similar to decision matrix, a belief decision matrix is used to describe a multiple criteria decision analysis (MCDA) problem in the Evidential Reasoning Approach. If in an MCDA problem, there are M alternative options and each need to be… …   Wikipedia

  • Aggregated Indices Randomization Method — (AIRM) is a modification of well known aggregated indices method being aimed at complex objects multi criteria estimation under uncertainty. The main advantage of AIRM over other variants of aggregated indices methods is its ability to use non… …   Wikipedia

  • Оценка и принятие решений (judgment and decision making) — Исслед. в области О. и п. р. можно разбить на четыре категории: поведенческие, когнитивные, организационные и системы поддержки решения. Каждая из этих категорий имеет свою собственную теорет. перспективу и методологию, применяемую при анализе… …   Психологическая энциклопедия

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