mud weight out

mud weight out
плотность бурового раствора на выходе из скважины

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "mud weight out" в других словарях:

  • Mud logging — Mud log in process. Well logging Gamma ray logging Spontaneous potential logging Resistivity logging Density logging …   Wikipedia

  • Mud engineer — A mud engineer (correctly called a Drilling Fluids Engineer, but most often referred to as the Mud Man ) works on an oil well or gas well drilling rig, and is responsible ensuring the properties of the drilling fluid, also known as drilling mud,… …   Wikipedia

  • Mud wrap — Mud wraps are spa treatments designed to slim and tone the body, hydrate or firm the skin, or relax and soothe the muscles. Some mud wraps are also thought to relieve tired and aching joints, ease inflammation, and help to flush out toxins… …   Wikipedia

  • Mud — For other uses, see Mud (disambiguation). Mud house in Amran, Yemen Mud is a mixture of water and some combination of soil, silt, and clay. Ancient mud deposits harden over geological time to form sedimentary rock such as shale or mudstone… …   Wikipedia

  • Drilling mud — In geotechnical engineering, drilling mud, also known as spud mud (when beginning the drilling process), is a drilling fluid used to drill boreholes into the earth. Often used while drilling oil and natural gas wells and on exploration drilling… …   Wikipedia

  • Discworld MUD — Developer(s) David Pinkfish Bennett, Craig Furball Richmond, Sean A. Lynscar Reith, Evan Scott, Derek Ceres Harding, Jake Sojan Greenland, project community …   Wikipedia

  • Sidoarjo mud flow — The Sidoarjo mud flow or Lapindo mud, also informally abbreviated as Lusi , a contraction of Lumpur Sidoarjo ( lumpur is the Indonesian word for mud), is a since May 2006 ongoing eruption of gas and mud in the subdistrict of Porong, Sidoarjo in… …   Wikipedia

  • drilling mud — a water based or oil based suspension of clays pumped into an oil well during drilling in order to seal off porous rock layers, equalize the pressure, cool the bit, and flush out the cuttings. Also called drilling fluid. * * * ▪ excavation… …   Universalium

  • плотность бурового раствора на выходе из скважины — — [ russkiy slovar neftegazovoy promyishlennosti/] Тематики нефтегазовая промышленность EN drilling mud density outmud weight out …   Справочник технического переводчика

  • Oil well control — is the management of the dangerous effects caused by unexpected high pressures upon surface equipment of oil or gas drilling rigs. Technically, oil well control involves preventing Formation fluid, usually referred to as kick, from entering into… …   Wikipedia

  • Anchor — For other uses, see Anchor (disambiguation). Ploudalmézeau, anchor of Amoco Cadiz An anchor is a device, normally made of metal, that is used to connect a vessel to the bed of a body of water to prevent the vessel from drifting due to wind or… …   Wikipedia

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