Смотреть что такое "mucopolysaccharide" в других словарях:
mucopolysaccharide — mucopolysaccharide. См. мукополисахарид. (Источник: «Англо русский толковый словарь генетических терминов». Арефьев В.А., Лисовенко Л.А., Москва: Изд во ВНИРО, 1995 г.) … Молекулярная биология и генетика. Толковый словарь.
mucopolysaccharide — ● mucopolysaccharide ou mucopolyoside nom masculin Polyoside d origine animale renfermant un sucre aminé (glucosamine ou galactosamine). [Les principaux mucopolysaccharides sont la chitine, l acide hyaluronique, la chondroïtine, l héparine, les… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Mucopolysaccharide — Mucopolysaccharide, die Mukopolysaccharide … Universal-Lexikon
mucopolysaccharide — [myo͞o΄kō päl΄i sak′ə rīd΄] n. [ MUCO + POLYSACCHARIDE] any of a group of complex carbohydrates that provides structural support for connective tissue, lubrication for all body joints, etc … English World dictionary
Mucopolysaccharide — Glykosaminoglykane (GAG) oder Mucopolysaccharide sind linear aus sich wiederholenden Disacchariden aufgebaute, saure Polysaccharide.[1] Die einzelnen Disaccharid Einheiten bestehen dabei aus Estern einer Uronsäure (meist Glucuronsäure, seltener… … Deutsch Wikipedia
mucopolysaccharide — General term for a protein polysaccharide complex obtained from proteoglycans and containing as much as 95% polysaccharide; mucopolysaccharides include the blood group substances. A more modern term is glycosaminoglycan, as all of the known six… … Medical dictionary
mucopolysaccharide — n. one of a group of complex carbohydrates functioning mainly as structural components in connective tissue. Mucopolysaccharide molecules are usually built up of two repeating sugar units, one of which is an amino sugar. An example of a… … The new mediacal dictionary
Mucopolysaccharide–cartilage complex — (MCC) is a healing ointment derived from bovine trachea. It is a complex mixture containing naturally occurring biologically active substances present in living cartilage. John F. Prudden, discovered the clinical value of MCC in 1954, when he was … Wikipedia
mucopolysaccharide — noun Etymology: International Scientific Vocabulary Date: 1938 glycosaminoglycan … New Collegiate Dictionary
mucopolysaccharide — The polysaccharide components of proteoglycans, now more usually known as glycosaminoglycans … Dictionary of molecular biology
mucopolysaccharide — /myooh koh pol ee sak euh ruyd , rid/, n. (formerly) glycosaminoglycan. [1935 40; MUCO + POLYSACCHARIDE] * * * … Universalium