moving centrode
Смотреть что такое "moving centrode" в других словарях:
Centrode — in kinematics is the path traced by the instantaneous center of rotation of a rigid plane figure moving in a plane. References Homer D. Eckhardt Kinematic Design of Machines and Mechanisms, McGraw Hill (1998) p. 63 ISBN 0070189536.… … Wikipedia
space centrode — noun The path traced by the instantaneous centre of a rotating three dimensional body moving relative to an inertial frame of reference … Wiktionary
подвижная центроида — moving centrode Геометрическое место, вычерченное на подвижной плоской фигуре мгновенным центром скоростей при плоскопараллельном движении. Шифр IFToMM: 2.3.9 Раздел: СТРУКТУРА МЕХАНИЗМОВ … Теория механизмов и машин
Instant centre of rotation — The instant centre of rotation, also called instantaneous centre , for a plane figure moving in a two dimensional plane is a point in its plane around which all other points on the figure, for one instant, are rotating. This point itself is the… … Wikipedia