move counter-clockwise

move counter-clockwise
двигаться против часовой стрелки

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "move counter-clockwise" в других словарях:

  • Counter-rotating propellers — Not to be confused with Contra rotating propellers. Counter rotating propellers Opposite propeller blade section can be clearly seen on this Piper PA 44 Seminole Counter rotating propellers, found on twin and multi engine propeller driven… …   Wikipedia

  • clockwise — 1. adverb /ˈklɒkwaɪz/ in a circular fashion so as to be moving to the right at the top of the circle and to the left at the bottom, in the way that the hands of an analogue/analog clock move. Syn: CW, dextrorotatory, sunwise, deasil Ant: C …   Wiktionary

  • Promenade (dance move) — This article is about the dance move. For other uses see Promenade (disambiguation)Promenade is a basic dance move in a number of dances such as English Country Dance, contra dance, and square dance. The name comes from the French word for “walk” …   Wikipedia

  • Flare (breakdance move) — The flare is a difficult breakdance power move borrowed from gymnastics. The breaker supports his body with his arms, swings his legs around his stationary torso in continuous circles, and never allows his legs to touch the ground. The move is… …   Wikipedia

  • Right and Left Grand — also known as Grand Right and Left , is a square dance move in which all eight dancers in the set, moving in a circular fashion, execute a series of four alternating hand pull bies (right pull by, left pull by, right pull by, left pull by). Men …   Wikipedia

  • Igisoro — is a two player game in the Mancala family. This variant is played primarily in Rwanda. Igisoro, like Omweso, is played with an 8×4 board of pits and 64 seeds. A player s territory is the two rows of pits closest to them. Start The starting… …   Wikipedia

  • High pressure area — A high pressure area (also called a high or high pressure) is a region where the atmospheric pressure is greater than surrounding areas. In the northern hemisphere high pressure areas move clockwise, whereas they move counter clockwise in the… …   Wikipedia

  • Chord (distributed hash table) — Chord is one of the original distributed hash table protocols. Chord is being developed at MIT and the current Chord source code can be downloaded and used under the MIT License.Overview Using the Chord lookup protocol, node keys are arranged in… …   Wikipedia

  • Dance etiquette — are the conventional rules which govern the social behavior of dance by its participants. Such rules include the way in which the participants should look and the way in which they approach, dance with and leave their partner. Etiquette can vary… …   Wikipedia

  • Boxing — For other meanings of these words, see Boxing (disambiguation), Boxer (disambiguation), Box (disambiguation), or Prizefighter (disambiguation). Boxing Ricardo Dominguez (left) is throwing an uppercut on Rafael Ortiz (right). Also known as… …   Wikipedia

  • Coriolis effect — For the psychophysical perception effect, see Coriolis effect (perception). Classical mechanics Newton s Second Law …   Wikipedia

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