Смотреть что такое "motions" в других словарях:
motions — Outward show. Usu. go through the motions Perform actions merely for ostentation, and without effort, spirit or meaning … A concise dictionary of English slang
Motions of no confidence in the United Kingdom — Motions of no confidence, also called votes of confidence,[1] votes of no confidence[2] or censure motions,[1] are a feature of the Westminster system of government used in the United Kingdom that requires an executive to retain the confidence of … Wikipedia
Motions relating to methods of voting and the polls — Class Incidental In order when another has the floor? No Requires second? Yes Debatable? No May be reconsidered? To close polls, no; to reopen polls, negative vote only; all others, yes Amendable? Yes … Wikipedia
Motions relating to nominations — Class Incidental motion In order when another has the floor? No Motions relating to nominations, in parliamentary procedure, include the motions to make, close, and reopen nominations, and motions to designate the method of making nominations. A… … Wikipedia
Motions of Mutation — Studio album by Bassnectar Released 2003 Recorded 2003 Genre Breakbeat … Wikipedia
Motions and Emotions — Studio album by Oscar Peterson Released 1969 Genre … Wikipedia
Motions in the time-frequency distribution — Several techniques can be used to move signals in the time frequency distribution. Similar to computer graphic techniques, signals can be subjected to horizontal shifting, vertical shifting, dilation (scaling), shearing, and rotation. These… … Wikipedia
motions — noun Plural of motion … Wiktionary
motions — mo·tion || məʊʃn n. movement, gesture; proposal for discussion; request for a court order (Law); transition from one pitch to another (Musical) v. indicate, intimate, direct … English contemporary dictionary
MOTIONS — … Useful english dictionary
Dilatory motions and tactics — Dilatory tactics or motions, in parliamentary procedure, are those used to delay or obstruct business, annoy the deliberative assembly, or, in legislative procedure, to delay consideration of a subject for other reasons. Some types of motions are … Wikipedia