motion of translation

motion of translation
мат. поступательное движение

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "motion of translation" в других словарях:

  • Translation — Trans*la tion, n. [F. translation, L. translatio a transferring, translation, version. See {Translate}, and cf. {Tralation}.] 1. The act of translating, removing, or transferring; removal; also, the state of being translated or removed; as, the… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • translation — [trans lā′shən, tranzlā′shən] n. [ME translacioun < MFr translation < L translatio] 1. a translating or being translated 2. the result of a translating; esp., writing or speech translated into another language 3. Mech. motion in which every …   English World dictionary

  • Motion (physics) — Motion involves change in position, such as in this perspective of rapidly leaving Yongsan Station In physics, motion is a change in position of an object with respect to time. Change in action is the result of an unbalanced force. Motion is… …   Wikipedia

  • Motion — Mo tion, n. [F., fr. L. motio, fr. movere, motum, to move. See {Move}.] 1. The act, process, or state of changing place or position; movement; the passing of a body from one place or position to another, whether voluntary or involuntary; opposed… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Motion block — Motion Mo tion, n. [F., fr. L. motio, fr. movere, motum, to move. See {Move}.] 1. The act, process, or state of changing place or position; movement; the passing of a body from one place or position to another, whether voluntary or involuntary;… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Motion estimation — is the process of determining motion vectors that describe the transformation from one 2D image to another; usually from adjacent frames in a video sequence. It is an ill posed problem as the motion is in three dimensions but the images are a… …   Wikipedia

  • Motion planning — (a.k.a., the navigation problem , the piano mover s problem ) is a term used in robotics for the process of detailing a task into discrete motions. For example, consider navigating a mobile robot inside a building to a distant waypoint. It should …   Wikipedia

  • translation — motion of an object where the path of every point is a straight line …   Mechanics glossary

  • motion — motional, adj. motioner, n. /moh sheuhn/, n. 1. the action or process of moving or of changing place or position; movement. 2. power of movement, as of a living body. 3. the manner of moving the body in walking; gait. 4. a bodily movement or… …   Universalium

  • Motion simulator — Simulator seating St. Louis Zoo A motion simulator or motion platform is a mechanism that encapsulates occupants and creates the effect/feelings of being in a moving vehicle. Motion simulators fall into two categories (described below) based on… …   Wikipedia

  • motion picture, history of the — Introduction       history of the medium from the 19th century to the present. Early years, 1830–1910 Origins       The illusion of motion pictures is based on the optical phenomena known as persistence of vision and the phi phenomenon. The first …   Universalium

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