motion for judgment

motion for judgment
предложение о приговоре

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "motion for judgment" в других словарях:

  • motion for judgment on the pleadings — see motion Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996 …   Law dictionary

  • motion for judgment as a matter of law — n. A request for relief available to a party when there is no disputed fact issue. Webster s New World Law Dictionary. Susan Ellis Wild. 2000 …   Law dictionary

  • motion for summary judgment — See: summary judgment Category: Small Claims Court & Lawsuits Nolo’s Plain English Law Dictionary. Gerald N. Hill, Kathleen Thompson Hill. 2009. mo …   Law dictionary

  • motion for a summary judgment — n.    a written request for a judgment in the moving party s favor before a lawsuit goes to trial and based on testimony recorded outside court, affidavits (declarations under penalty of perjury), depositions, admissions of fact and/or answers to …   Law dictionary

  • motion for a new trial — n.    a request made by the loser for the case to be tried again on the basis that there were significant legal errors in the way the trial was conducted and/or the jury or the judge sitting without a jury obviously came to an incorrect result.… …   Law dictionary

  • motion for new trial — A request made by a party, after a judgment is entered in a lawsuit, that the judge vacate that judgment and order a new trial. Typically, a motion for new trial argues that the judge made a significant legal error or that there was insufficient… …   Law dictionary

  • motion for arrest of judgment — n. A motion asking the court to overrule the judgment in a civil or criminal case, on the grounds that it was granted in error. Webster s New World Law Dictionary. Susan Ellis Wild. 2000 …   Law dictionary

  • motion for dismissal —    (non suit) n.    application by a defendant in a lawsuit or criminal prosecution asking the judge to rule that the plaintiff (the party who filed the lawsuit) or the prosecution has not and cannot prove its case. Attorneys most often make this …   Law dictionary

  • Motion (legal) — For other uses, see Motion (disambiguation). In law, a motion is a procedural device to bring a limited, contested issue before a court for decision. A motion may be thought of as a request to the judge (or judges) to make a decision about the… …   Wikipedia

  • motion — mo·tion 1 n [Anglo French, from Latin motion motio movement, from movēre to move] 1: a proposal for action; esp: a formal proposal made in a legislative assembly made a motion to refer the bill to committee 2 a: an application made to a court or… …   Law dictionary

  • motion — In parliamentary law, the formal mode in which a member submits a proposed measure or resolve for the consideration and action of the meeting. An application made to a court or judge for purpose of obtaining a rule or order directing some act to… …   Black's law dictionary

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