Смотреть что такое "moss-trooper" в других словарях:
Moss-trooper — Mosstroopers waren Räuber, die während und nach der Zeit des Commonwealth in Schottland ihr Unwesen trieben. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Geschichte 2 Wortherkunft 3 Siehe auch 4 Literatur 5 Gedicht … Deutsch Wikipedia
Moss-trooper — Moss troopers were bandits who operated in Scotland during and after the period of the English Commonwealth in the mid 17th century. Many moss troopers were disbanded or deserting soldiers from one of the Scottish armies of the Wars of the Three… … Wikipedia
moss-trooper — moss troop·er (môsʹtro͞o pər, mŏsʹ ) n. 1. One of a band of raiders operating in the bogs on the borders of England and Scotland during the 17th century. 2. A plunderer; a marauder. * * * … Universalium
moss-trooper — noun Date: 1645 1. one of a class of 17th century raiders in the marshy border country between England and Scotland 2. pirate • moss trooping adjective … New Collegiate Dictionary
moss-trooper — noun Any of a band of raiders or bandits who marauded the Scottish borders in the 17th century … Wiktionary
moss-trooper — noun a marauder and plunderer (originally operating in the bogs between England and Scotland) • Hypernyms: ↑marauder, ↑predator, ↑vulture, ↑piranha … Useful english dictionary
moss — (n.) O.E. meos moss, related to mos bog, from P.Gmc. *musan (Cf. O.H.G. mios, Dan. mos, Ger. Moos), also in part from O.N. mosi moss, bog, and M.L. mossa moss, from the same Germanic source, from PIE *meus damp, with derivatives ref … Etymology dictionary
Moss-troopers — Mosstroopers waren Räuber, die während und nach der Zeit des Commonwealth in Schottland ihr Unwesen trieben. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Geschichte 2 Wortherkunft 3 Siehe auch 4 Literatur 5 Gedicht … Deutsch Wikipedia
moss-trooping — adjective see moss trooper … New Collegiate Dictionary
Mosstrooper — Mosstroopers waren Räuber, die während und nach der Zeit des Commonwealth in Schottland ihr Unwesen trieben. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Geschichte 2 Wortherkunft 3 Siehe auch 4 Literatur … Deutsch Wikipedia
Border Reivers — For other uses, see Border Reivers (disambiguation). Reiver redirects here. For the radio station, see Reiver FM. Reivers redirects here. For the American actor, see David Reivers. For other uses, see The Reivers (disambiguation). Reivers at… … Wikipedia