mortise joint
Смотреть что такое "mortise joint" в других словарях:
Mortise joint — Mortise Mor tise, n. [F. mortaise; cf. Sp. mortaja, Ar. murtazz fixed, or W. mortais, Ir. mortis, moirtis, Gael. moirteis.] A cavity cut into a piece of timber, or other material, to receive something (as the end of another piece) made to fit it … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
mortise joint — noun 1. a gliding joint between the distal ends of the tibia and fibula and the proximal end of the talus • Syn: ↑ankle, ↑ankle joint, ↑articulatio talocruralis • Derivationally related forms: ↑anklet (for: ↑ankle) … Useful english dictionary
mortise joint — any of various joints between two pieces of timber or the like in which a tenon is housed in or secured to a mortise. Also called mortise and tenon joint. [1880 85] * * * … Universalium
mortise joint — mor′tise joint n. bui any of various joints between two pieces of timber or the like in which a tenon is housed in or secured to a mortise. Also called mor′tise and ten′on joint • Etymology: 1880–85 … From formal English to slang
Mortise — Mor tise, n. [F. mortaise; cf. Sp. mortaja, Ar. murtazz fixed, or W. mortais, Ir. mortis, moirtis, Gael. moirteis.] A cavity cut into a piece of timber, or other material, to receive something (as the end of another piece) made to fit it, and… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Mortise and tenon — Mortise Mor tise, n. [F. mortaise; cf. Sp. mortaja, Ar. murtazz fixed, or W. mortais, Ir. mortis, moirtis, Gael. moirteis.] A cavity cut into a piece of timber, or other material, to receive something (as the end of another piece) made to fit it … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
mortise gear — Mortise Mor tise, n. [F. mortaise; cf. Sp. mortaja, Ar. murtazz fixed, or W. mortais, Ir. mortis, moirtis, Gael. moirteis.] A cavity cut into a piece of timber, or other material, to receive something (as the end of another piece) made to fit it … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Mortise lock — Mortise Mor tise, n. [F. mortaise; cf. Sp. mortaja, Ar. murtazz fixed, or W. mortais, Ir. mortis, moirtis, Gael. moirteis.] A cavity cut into a piece of timber, or other material, to receive something (as the end of another piece) made to fit it … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Mortise wheel — Mortise Mor tise, n. [F. mortaise; cf. Sp. mortaja, Ar. murtazz fixed, or W. mortais, Ir. mortis, moirtis, Gael. moirteis.] A cavity cut into a piece of timber, or other material, to receive something (as the end of another piece) made to fit it … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
mortise-and-tenon joint — noun a joint made by inserting tenon on one piece into mortise holes in the other • Syn: ↑mortise joint • Hypernyms: ↑joint • Hyponyms: ↑dovetail, ↑dovetail joint, ↑tongue and groove joint … Useful english dictionary
joint stool — noun Etymology: joint (I) : a stool formed of parts held together by pegged mortise and tenon joints : a stool made by a joiner * * * a low wood stool having turned legs with all parts joined by a mortise joint. [1400 50; late ME] * * * joint… … Useful english dictionary