mortgage pool

mortgage pool
пул ипотек;
портфель ипотек со сходными характеристиками

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "mortgage pool" в других словарях:

  • Mortgage Pool — A group of mortgages held in trust as collateral for the issuance of a mortgage backed security. Some mortgage backed securities issued by Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac and Ginnie Mae are known as pools themselves. These are the simplest form of… …   Investment dictionary

  • mortgage pool — A group of mortgages with similar class, interest rate, and maturity characteristics. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary * * *    Mortgages are packaged, or pooled, and securities are issued representing shares in the pool. The mortgages in a pool… …   Financial and business terms

  • mortgage pool — A trust created by the owners of several or even many mortgages in transferring the instruments to a trustee to hold for the benefit of the transferrers. Anno: 107 ALR 1458 …   Ballentine's law dictionary

  • pool — 1 n 1: an aggregation of the interests, obligations, or undertakings of several parties working together an insurance pool 2: a group of people available for some purpose see also jury pool pool 2 vt: to combine (as a …   Law dictionary

  • Mortgage-backed security — Securities Securities Bond Stock Investment fund Derivative Structured finance Agency security …   Wikipedia

  • Pool Factor — The percentage of the original principal that is left to be distributed in a mortgage backed security, as represented by a numerical factor that will be attached on periodic market quotes and other presentations of the MBS’s price.… …   Investment dictionary

  • mortgage-backed security — ( MBS) or mortgage backed bond Securities composed of, or collateralized by, loans that are themselves collateralized by liens on real property. MBSs can be categorized into two major types. Pass through pools are mortgage backed bonds created by …   Financial and business terms

  • mortgage-backed bond — mortgage backed security ( MBS) or mortgage backed bond Securities composed of, or collateralized by, loans that are themselves collateralized by liens on real property. MBSs can be categorized into two major types. Pass through pools are… …   Financial and business terms

  • Mortgage Interest Relief At Source — Mortgage Interest Relief at Source, or MIRAS, was a scheme introduced in the United Kingdom by Chancellor of the Exchequer Roy Jenkins in 1969 [1] in a bid to encourage home ownership; it allowed borrowers tax relief for interest payments on… …   Wikipedia

  • Mortgage-backed Securities — sind besicherte Anleihen, also durch Vermögenswerte gesicherte Wertpapiere, deren Bargeldflüsse durch die Zins und Tilgungszahlungen eines Pools von grundpfandrechtlich gesicherten Forderungen getragen werden. Im Gegensatz zu Pfandbriefen… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Mortgage Backed Security — Mortgage Backed Securities sind besicherte Anleihen, also durch Vermögenswerte gesicherte Wertpapiere, deren Bargeldflüsse durch die Zins und Tilgungszahlungen eines Pools von grundpfandrechtlich gesicherten Forderungen getragen werden. Im… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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