- mortgage foreclosure
1) лишение права выкупа закладной, потеря права выкупа ипотеки
2) продажа с молотка заложенной недвижимости
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
mortgage foreclosure — See foreclosure … Black's law dictionary
mortgage foreclosure — See foreclosure … Black's law dictionary
foreclosure — fore·clos·ure /fōr klō zhər/ n 1: a legal proceeding that bars or extinguishes a mortgagor s equity of redemption in mortgaged real property see also deficiency judgment at judgment, redeem … Law dictionary
mortgage — mort·gage 1 / mȯr gij/ n [Anglo French, from Old French, from mort dead (from Latin mortuus ) + gage security] 1 a: a conveyance of title to property that is given to secure an obligation (as a debt) and that is defeated upon payment or… … Law dictionary
mortgage — /morgaj/ A mortgage is an interest in land created by a written instrument providing security for the performance of a duty or the payment of a debt. At common law, an estate created by a conveyance absolute in its form, but intended to secure… … Black's law dictionary
mortgage — /morgaj/ A mortgage is an interest in land created by a written instrument providing security for the performance of a duty or the payment of a debt. At common law, an estate created by a conveyance absolute in its form, but intended to secure… … Black's law dictionary
mortgage mill — n. A company that automatically approves mortgages, particularly to unqualified buyers. Example Citations: During the housing boom, lenders created mortgage mills and put people into overpriced homes with mortgages that were difficult to… … New words
Mortgage loan — Mortgage redirects here. For other uses, see Mortgage (disambiguation). Finance Financial markets … Wikipedia
Mortgage modification — is a process where the terms of a mortgage are modified outside the original terms of the contract agreed to by the lender and borrower (i.e mortgagor and mortgagee). In general, any loan can be modified. Contents 1 Background 2 Types of… … Wikipedia
foreclosure sale — see sale Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996. foreclosure sale … Law dictionary
Mortgage fraud — is crime in which the intent is to materially misrepresent or omit information on a mortgage loan application to obtain a loan or to obtain a larger loan than would have been obtained had the lender or borrower known the truth. In United States… … Wikipedia