- moreen
- mɔ:ˈri:n сущ. плотная (полу) шерстяная ткань (для портьер) "морин", плотная (полу) шерстяная или хлопчатобумажная ткань (для портьер) moreen плотная (полу) шерстяная ткань (для портьер)
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
moreen — mo*reen (m[ o]*r[=e]n ), n. [Cf. {Mohair}.] A thick woolen fabric, watered or with embossed figures; used in upholstery, for curtains, etc. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Moreen — Moreen, s. Moreä … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
Moreen — (engl., spr. mŏrīn), Gewebe aus starkem Kammgarn mit starker Moirierung, zu Unterröcken benutzt; ein billigerer Stoff enthält Einschlag aus Jute … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
Moreen — (engl., spr. rihn), stark moirierter Stoff aus Kammgarn, auch mit Jute, zu Unterröcken … Kleines Konversations-Lexikon
Moreen — f Irish: Anglicized form of Gaelic Móirín, a pet form of MÓR (SEE Mór). It has now been to a large extent confused with MAUREEN (SEE Maureen) … First names dictionary
moreen — [mō rēn′, mərēn′] n. [prob. < MOIRÉ + een, as in VELVETEEN] a strong fabric, as of wool or cotton, having, esp. formerly, a moiré, or watered, finish … English World dictionary
Moreen Estate — is a modern housing estate situated in Sandyford, Dublin, Ireland. It was described by the Irish Independent as the best housing money can t buy , due to the fact that they are council houses. There are 254 houses in the estate and is soon to be… … Wikipedia
moreen — noun Etymology: probably irregular from moire Date: circa 1691 a strong fabric of wool, wool and cotton, or cotton with a plain glossy or moiré finish … New Collegiate Dictionary
moreen — /meuh reen /, n. a heavy fabric of wool, or wool and cotton, with a ribbed face and a moiré finish, used for curtains, petticoats, etc. [1685 95; mor (perh. var. of MOIRE) + (VELVET)EEN] * * * … Universalium
Moreen — Nebenform von → Maureen, einer Koseform von → Maria … Deutsch namen
moreen — stout corded wool or cotton Fabric and Cloth … Phrontistery dictionary