moral issue

moral issue
моральный вопрос

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "moral issue" в других словарях:

  • Moral psychology — is a field of study in both philosophy and psychology. Some use the term moral psychology relatively narrowly to refer to the study of moral development.[1] However, others tend to use the term more broadly to include any topics at the… …   Wikipedia

  • moral — mor|al1 W2S3 [ˈmɔrəl US ˈmo: ] adj [Date: 1300 1400; : Latin; Origin: moralis, from mos what people usually or traditionally do ] 1.) [only before noun] relating to the principles of what is right and wrong behaviour, and with the difference… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • moral crusade — A social movement which campaigns around a symbolic or moral issue such as alcohol or pornography. Classic sociological accounts of moral crusades include JosephR. Gusfield s study of the Temperance Movement, Symbolic Crusade (1963), and,… …   Dictionary of sociology

  • Moral Maze — a weekly radio programme on BBC Radio 4 presented by Michael Buerk. In each programme, a different moral issue is discussed and a regular panel (= small group of people) ask questions of people, often experts, who have different views on the… …   Universalium

  • Moral Politics (book) — Moral Politics: How Liberals and Conservatives Think is a 1996 book by cognitive linguist George Lakoff. It argues that conservatives and liberals hold two different conceptual models of morality. Conservatives have a Strict Father morality in… …   Wikipedia

  • Moral character — or character is an evaluation of a particular individual s durable moral qualities. The concept of character can imply a variety of attributes including the existence or lack of virtues such as integrity, courage, fortitude, honesty, and loyalty …   Wikipedia

  • Moral Theology — • Limited to those doctrines which discuss the relations of man and his free actions to God and his supernatural end, and propose the means instituted by God for the attainment of that end Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Moral Theology …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • Moral Development — focuses on the emergence, change, and understanding of morality from infancy to adulthood. In the field of moral development, morality is defined as principles for how individuals ought to treat one another, with respect to justice, others’… …   Wikipedia

  • Moral suasion — (a phrase from the Latin words “moral” and “suasio” which denote respectively “conduct or character that is right and virtuous”[1] and “to present in a pleasing manner”[2] sometimes known as Jawboning[3]), is defined in the economic sphere as… …   Wikipedia

  • Moral universe — has two distinct meanings which are found throughout the literature. One relates to the moral nature of the universe as a whole and thus to human life, and the other refers to the many moral universes of people, groups, things and concepts.… …   Wikipedia

  • Moral rights in copyright law in Canada — are protected under the Copyright Act of Canada and include an author’s right to attribution, integrity and association of a work. Moral rights are to be distinguished from economic rights; moral rights essentially being derived from the… …   Wikipedia

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