mooring port
Смотреть что такое "mooring port" в других словарях:
Port of Chittagong — The Port of Chittagong is the largest seaport in Bangladesh, located by the estuary of the Karnaphuli River in Patenga, near the city of Chittagong. It is a deepwater seaport dominated by trade in containerised manufactured products (especially… … Wikipedia
Port of Cochin — കൊച്ചി തുറമുഖം The International Container Trans shipment Terminal (ICTT) of the Kochi Port Location Country India … Wikipedia
Port Huron, Michigan — Port Huron redirects here. For other uses, see Port Huron (disambiguation). Port Huron, Michigan City Fort Gratiot Lighthouse … Wikipedia
Port fluvial — Port (marine) Pour les articles homonymes, voir Port. Le port du Havre (Seine Maritime, France) … Wikipédia en Français
Port maritime — Port (marine) Pour les articles homonymes, voir Port. Le port du Havre (Seine Maritime, France) … Wikipédia en Français
mooring — [n] landing anchorage, berth, dock, harbor, marina, pier, port, station, wharf; concept 439 … New thesaurus
Port of Hong Kong — The Port of Hong Kong, located by the South China Sea, is a deepwater seaport dominated by trade in containerised manufactured products, and to a lesser extent raw materials and passengers. A key factor in the economic development of Hong Kong,… … Wikipedia
Port of Magdalla — Magdalla Port port town … Wikipedia
Mooring (watercraft) — A dockworker places a mooring line on a bollard. A vessel is said to be moored when it is fastened to a fixed object such as a bollard, pier, quay or the seabed, or to a floating object such as an anchor buoy. Mooring is often accomplished using… … Wikipedia
Mooring mast — A mooring mast, or mooring tower, is a structure designed to allow for the docking of an airship outside of an airship hangar or similar structure. More specifically, a mooring mast is a mast or tower that contains a fitting on its top that… … Wikipedia
Port of Haydarpaşa — The Port of Haydarpaşa, also known as the Port of Haidar Pasha ( tr. Haydarpaşa Limanı) is a general cargo seaport, ro ro and container terminal, situated in Haydarpaşa, İstanbul at the southern entrance to the Bosphorus. The port is operated by… … Wikipedia