Смотреть что такое "moor-fowl" в других словарях:
moor|fowl — «MUR FOWL», noun. = red grouse. (Cf. ↑red grouse) … Useful english dictionary
moor fowl — heathfowl heathfowl, heath fowl heath fowl . A large Northern European black grouse ({Lyrurus tetrix} formerly {Tetrao tetrix}) with a lyre shaped tail; it is also called {heath grouse}, {black game}, {black grouse}, {heath poult}, {heath fowl},… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
moor fowl — moorfowl moorfowl, moor fowl moor fowl . (Zo[ o]l.) 1. A reddish brown grouse ({Lagopus Scoticus}) of upland moors of Great Britain; the European ptarmigan, or {red grouse}, also called the {moorgame}. Syn: red grouse, moorbird, moorgame,… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
moor fowl — Heath Heath (h[=e]th), n. [OE. heth waste land, the plant heath, AS. h[=ae][eth]; akin to D. & G. heide, Icel. hei[eth]r waste land, Dan. hede, Sw. hed, Goth. hai[thorn]i field, L. bucetum a cow pasture; cf. W. coed a wood, Skr. ksh[=e]tra field … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
moor-fowl — … Useful english dictionary
Moor — Moor, n. [OE. mor, AS. m[=o]r moor, morass; akin to D. moer moor, G. moor, and prob. to Goth. marei sea, E. mere. See {Mere} a lake.] 1. An extensive waste covered with patches of heath, and having a poor, light soil, but sometimes marshy, and… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Moor buzzard — Moor Moor, n. [OE. mor, AS. m[=o]r moor, morass; akin to D. moer moor, G. moor, and prob. to Goth. marei sea, E. mere. See {Mere} a lake.] 1. An extensive waste covered with patches of heath, and having a poor, light soil, but sometimes marshy,… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Moor coal — Moor Moor, n. [OE. mor, AS. m[=o]r moor, morass; akin to D. moer moor, G. moor, and prob. to Goth. marei sea, E. mere. See {Mere} a lake.] 1. An extensive waste covered with patches of heath, and having a poor, light soil, but sometimes marshy,… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Moor cock — Moor Moor, n. [OE. mor, AS. m[=o]r moor, morass; akin to D. moer moor, G. moor, and prob. to Goth. marei sea, E. mere. See {Mere} a lake.] 1. An extensive waste covered with patches of heath, and having a poor, light soil, but sometimes marshy,… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Moor coot — Moor Moor, n. [OE. mor, AS. m[=o]r moor, morass; akin to D. moer moor, G. moor, and prob. to Goth. marei sea, E. mere. See {Mere} a lake.] 1. An extensive waste covered with patches of heath, and having a poor, light soil, but sometimes marshy,… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Moor game — Moor Moor, n. [OE. mor, AS. m[=o]r moor, morass; akin to D. moer moor, G. moor, and prob. to Goth. marei sea, E. mere. See {Mere} a lake.] 1. An extensive waste covered with patches of heath, and having a poor, light soil, but sometimes marshy,… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English