monthly salary
Смотреть что такое "monthly salary" в других словарях:
monthly salary — pareiginė alga statusas Aprobuotas sritis darbo santykiai ir apmokėjimas apibrėžtis Konkrečiai pareigybei nustatyta mėnesinė alga. atitikmenys: angl. monthly salary šaltinis Lietuvos Respublikos valstybės ir savivaldybių įstaigų darbuotojų darbo… … Lithuanian dictionary (lietuvių žodynas)
monthly salary — amount of money that one earns each month for his work … English contemporary dictionary
salary — Regular wages and benefits an employee receives from an employer. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary * * * salary sal‧a‧ry [ˈsæləri] noun salaries PLURALFORM [countable, uncountable] HUMAN RESOURCES money that you receive as payment from the… … Financial and business terms
monthly — month|ly1 S3 [ˈmʌnθli] adj [only before noun] 1.) happening once a month ▪ The mortgage is payable in monthly instalments. ▪ a monthly publication 2.) used to talk about the total amount of something that is received, paid, measured, or… … Dictionary of contemporary English
monthly — 1 adjective (only before noun) 1 happening once a month: The mortgage is payable in monthly instalments. | a monthly publication 2 a monthly income, figure etc is the total amount that is received, paid, measured etc in a month: a monthly salary… … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
monthly — / mʌnθli/ adjective happening every month or which is received every month ● We get a monthly state ment from the bank. ● She makes monthly payments to the credit card company. ● He is paying for his car by monthly instalments. ● My monthly… … Dictionary of banking and finance
monthly — /munth lee/, adj., n., pl. monthlies, adv. adj. 1. pertaining to a month, or to each month. 2. done, happening, appearing, etc., once a month: a monthly magazine. 3. computed or determined by the month: a monthly salary. 4. continuing or lasting… … Universalium
monthly — month•ly [[t]ˈmʌnθ li[/t]] adj. n. pl. lies, adv. 1) pertaining to a month, or to each month 2) done, happening, appearing, etc., once a month: a monthly magazine[/ex] 3) computed or determined by the month: a monthly salary[/ex] 4) a periodical… … From formal English to slang
salary — noun ADJECTIVE ▪ big, generous, good, handsome, high, huge, large, top ▪ Top salaries are liable for a higher rate of tax … Collocations dictionary
salary — sal|a|ry W3 [ˈsæləri] n plural salaries [U and C] [Date: 1200 1300; : Latin; Origin: salarium money to pay for salt , from sal salt ] money that you receive as payment from the organization you work for, usually paid to you every month →↑wage,… … Dictionary of contemporary English
salary — / sæləri/ noun 1. a regular payment for work done, made to an employee usually as a cheque at the end of each month ● The company froze all salaries for a six month period. ● If I get promoted, my salary will go up. ● The salary may be low, but… … Dictionary of banking and finance