monster of cruelty
Смотреть что такое "monster of cruelty" в других словарях:
monster — (n.) early 14c., malformed animal or human, creature afflicted with a birth defect, from O.Fr. monstre, mostre monster, monstrosity (12c.), and directly from L. monstrum divine omen, portent, sign; abnormal shape; monster, monstrosity,… … Etymology dictionary
Monster — Mon ster, n. [OE. monstre, F. monstre, fr. L. monstrum, orig., a divine omen, indicating misfortune; akin of monstrare to show, point out, indicate, and monere to warn. See {Monition}, and cf. {Demonstrate}, {Muster}.] 1. Something of unnatural… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Monster Pig — Jamison Stone poses with slain pig. The authenticity of the photo has been disputed. Monster Pig (or Pigzilla) was a controversial 2007 story that initially ran in the news media as a report (and a series of accompanying photographs) of an eleven … Wikipedia
monster — monsterlike, adj. /mon steuhr/, n. 1. a legendary animal combining features of animal and human form or having the forms of various animals in combination, as a centaur, griffin, or sphinx. 2. any creature so ugly or monstrous as to frighten… … Universalium
monster — I. noun Etymology: Middle English monstre, from Anglo French, from Latin monstrum omen, monster, from monēre to warn more at mind Date: 14th century 1. a. an animal or plant of abnormal form or structure b. one who deviates from normal or… … New Collegiate Dictionary
monster — mon•ster [[t]ˈmɒn stər[/t]] n. 1) pat any animal or human grotesquely deviating from the normal shape, behavior, or character 2) a person who excites horror by wickedness, cruelty, etc 3) any creature so ugly or monstrous as to frighten people 4) … From formal English to slang
monster — /ˈmɒnstə / (say monstuh) noun 1. a legendary animal compounded of brute and human shape or of the shapes of various brutes, as a centaur, a griffin, or a sphinx. 2. an animal or a plant of abnormal form or structure, as from marked malformation,… …
Frankenstein's monster — Frankenstein; or, The Modern Prometheus character Created by Mary Shelley … Wikipedia
Nightmare Academy: Monster Revenge — This second book in the popular series by Dean Lorey follows Charlie Benjamin and his friends, Theodore Dagget and Violet Sweet, in their attempt of stopping the remaining Named to travel back to Earth and summon The Fifth. The beginning of the… … Wikipedia
mon´ster|like´ — mon|ster «MON stuhr», noun, adjective. –n. 1. an imaginary creature having parts of different animals. Centaurs, sphinxes, griffins, and mermaids are monsters. 2. an imaginary animal of strange and horrible appearance: »His imagination… … Useful english dictionary
mon|ster — «MON stuhr», noun, adjective. –n. 1. an imaginary creature having parts of different animals. Centaurs, sphinxes, griffins, and mermaids are monsters. 2. an imaginary animal of strange and horrible appearance: »His imagination transformed shadows … Useful english dictionary