Смотреть что такое "monotropy" в других словарях:
monotropy — monotropija statusas T sritis chemija apibrėžtis Medžiagos nepatvarios atmainos virtimas patvaresne. atitikmenys: angl. monotropy rus. монотропия … Chemijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
monotropy — monotropija statusas T sritis augalininkystė apibrėžtis Geno raiškos ypatybė, kai jis lemia tik vieno požymio pasireiškimą. atitikmenys: angl. monotropy rus. монотропия … Žemės ūkio augalų selekcijos ir sėklininkystės terminų žodynas
monotropy — monotropic /mon euh trop ik, troh pik/, adj. monotropically, adv. /meuh no treuh pee/, n., pl. monotropies. Crystall. polymorphism that is irreversible. Cf. enantiotropy. [1900 05; MONO + TROPY] * * * … Universalium
monotropy — n. one particular kind of bacterium virus or tissue (Biology) … English contemporary dictionary
monotropy — [mə nɒtrəpi] noun Chemistry the existence of allotropes of an element, one of which is stable and the others metastable under all known conditions. Derivatives monotrope noun Origin early 20th cent.: from mono + Gk tropē turning + y3 … English new terms dictionary
monotropy — mo·not·ro·py … English syllables
monotropy — məˈnä.trəpē noun ( es) Etymology: International Scientific Vocabulary mon + tropy; probably originally formed as German monotropie : the relation of two different forms of the same substance (as white and red phosphorus) that have no definite… … Useful english dictionary
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enantiotropy — enantiotropic /i nan tee euh trop ik, troh pik/, adj. /i nan tee o treuh pee/, n. Crystall. polymorphism in which one of the polymorphs may revert to the state of the other at a critical temperature and pressure. Cf. monotropy. [ < G… … Universalium
pseu — pseu·da·le·tia; pseu·do; pseu·do·aconine; pseu·do·aconitine; pseu·do·adiabatic; pseu·do·aethalium; pseu·do·allele; pseu·do·alum; pseu·do·aquatic; pseu·do·benthonic; pseu·do·benthos; pseu·do·boleite; pseu·do·branch; pseu·do·bran·chus;… … English syllables
pseudomonotropy — pseu·do·monotropy … English syllables