- monotheism
- ˈmɔnəuθi:ˌɪzm сущ. единобожие, монотеизм монотеизм, единобожие monotheism монотеизм, единобожие
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Monotheism — monotheism … Dictionary of sociology
MONOTHEISM — MONOTHEISM, in its literal meaning, oneness of the godhead (i.e., one God). The concept of monotheism is embedded in the domain of religious discourse, and its full and relevant significance must be derived from the connotation which it carries… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
Monotheism — • A word coined in comparatively modern times to designate belief in the one supreme God, the Creator and Lord of the world, the eternal Spirit, All powerful, All wise, and All good, the Rewarder of good and the Punisher of evil, the Source of… … Catholic encyclopedia
Monotheism — Mon o*the*ism, n. [Mono + Gr. ? god: cf. F. monoth[ e]isme.] The doctrine or belief that there is but one God. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
monotheism — (n.) belief that there is but one god, 1650s, from Gk. mono , comb. form of monos single, alone (see MONO (Cf. mono )) + theos a god (see THEA (Cf. Thea)) … Etymology dictionary
monotheism — ► NOUN ▪ the belief that there is a single god. DERIVATIVES monotheist noun & adjective monotheistic adjective … English terms dictionary
monotheism — [män′ō thē iz΄əm, män′əthē iz΄əm] n. [ MONO + THEISM] the belief or doctrine that there is only one God monotheist n. monotheistic adj. monotheistical monotheistically adv … English World dictionary
monotheism — monotheist, n., adj. monotheistic, monotheistical, adj. monotheistically, adv. /mon euh thee iz euhm/, n. the doctrine or belief that there is only one God. [1650 60; MONO + (POLY)THEISM] * * * Belief in the existence of one god. It is… … Universalium
Monotheism — Monotheist redirects here. For the Celtic Frost album, see Monotheist (album). Part of a series on God … Wikipedia
Monotheism — the view that there is one or more gods or goddesses.[13] More specifically, it may also mean the belief in God, a god, or gods, who is/are actively involved in maintaining the Universe. A theist can also take the position that he does not have… … Mini philosophy glossary
monotheism — The belief in a single God, or a religion affirming that belief, as opposed to polytheism, belief in many deities. There does not seem to be a time when Israelite worship was officially, as portrayed in the sources, other than monotheistic,… … Dictionary of the Bible