monopole array

monopole array
антенная решетка из несимметричных вибраторов

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "monopole array" в других словарях:

  • Monopole antenna — Mast radiator monopole antenna used for broadcasting. AM radio station WARE, Warren, Massachusetts, USA. A monopole antenna is a class of radio antenna consisting of a straight rod shaped conductor, often mounted perpendicularly over some type of …   Wikipedia

  • Magnetic monopole — It is impossible to make magnetic monopoles from a bar magnet. If a bar magnet is cut in half, it is not the case that one half has the north pole and the other half has the south pole. Inst …   Wikipedia

  • Collinear antenna array — An antenna mast with four colinear directional arrays. In telecommunications, a collinear (or co linear) antenna array is an array of dipole antennas mounted in such a manner that the corresponding elements of each antenna are parallel and… …   Wikipedia

  • Metamaterial antenna — This Z antenna tested at the National Institute of Standards and Technology is smaller than a standard antenna with comparable properties. Its high efficiency is derived from the Z element inside the square that acts as a metamaterial, greatly… …   Wikipedia

  • Antenna (radio) — Whip antenna on car …   Wikipedia

  • Dipole antenna — A schematic of a half wave dipole antenna connected to an unbalanced coaxial cable. Better practice is to connect the balanced dipole to the unbalanced line with a balun. A dipole antenna is a radio antenna that can be made of a simple wire, with …   Wikipedia

  • Rubber Ducky antenna — on a transceiver The Rubber Ducky antenna (or Rubber Duck aerial) is an electrically short monopole antenna which functions somewhat like a base loaded whip antenna and is sealed in a rubber or plastic jacket to protect the antenna.[1]… …   Wikipedia

  • FLR-9 — The AN/FLR 9 is a type of very large circular Wullenweber antenna array, built at many locations during the cold war for HF/DF direction finding of high priority targets. The worldwide network, known collectively as Iron Horse , could locate on… …   Wikipedia

  • Wullenweber — AN/FLR 9 Wullenweber antenna array near Augsburg, Germany The Wullenweber (the original name introduced by Dr. Hans Rindfleisch was Wullenwever) is a type of Circularly Disposed Antenna Array (CDAA) sometimes referred to as a Circularly Disposed… …   Wikipedia

  • radar — /ray dahr/, n. 1. Electronics. a device for determining the presence and location of an object by measuring the time for the echo of a radio wave to return from it and the direction from which it returns. 2. a means or sense of awareness or… …   Universalium

  • Magnetic field — This article is about a scientific description of the magnetic influence of an electric current or magnetic material. For the physics of magnetic materials, see magnetism. For information about objects that create magnetic fields, see magnet. For …   Wikipedia

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