- monopod
- одиночная опора (морского стационарного основания)
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
monopod — MONOPÓD, Ă adj. (biol.) Care are un singur picior; monopodic. [< fr. monopode]. Trimis de LauraGellner, 14.06.2005. Sursa: DN MONOPÓD, Ă adj. cu un singur picior. (< fr. monopode) Trimis de raduborza, 15.09.2007. Sursa: MDN … Dicționar Român
monopod — mȍnopōd m <N mn i> DEFINICIJA tehn. vrsta stalka za snimanje (kamerom) s jednom nogom ETIMOLOGIJA mono + pod … Hrvatski jezični portal
Monopod — For the creature from Naturalis Historia and The Chronicles of Narnia, see Monopod (creature). Camera and telephoto lens mounted on monopod … Wikipedia
Monopod — Einbein Stativ mit Kamera Ein Einbeinstativ (engl., lat. Monopod Einbein ) ist ein transportables Stativ zum besseren Halt der Aufnahmegeräte (wie Foto oder Videokamera) und besitzt nur ein Bein, wie der Name bereits sagt, und nicht drei Beine… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Monopod (creature) — A monopod. From the Nuremberg Chronicle (1493). Monopods (also sciapods, skiapods, skiapodes, Monocoli) are mythological dwarf like creatures with a single, large foot extending from one thick leg centered in the middle of their body. The name… … Wikipedia
monopod — noun Etymology: mon + pod (as in tripod) Date: 1970 a one legged support (as for a camera) … New Collegiate Dictionary
monopod — /mon euh pod /, n. a single legged support used to steady a hand held camera. [1960 65; MONO + (TRI)POD] * * * … Universalium
monopod — noun A lightweight stand with one leg, used to support a camera or telescope … Wiktionary
monopod — n. one legged support for a device (especially a camera) … English contemporary dictionary
monopod — noun a one legged support for a camera or fishing rod. Origin C19: via L. from Gk monopodion, from monos single + pous, pod foot … English new terms dictionary
monopod — mono·pod … English syllables