monomorphism preserving

monomorphism preserving
мат. сохраняющий мономорфизмы

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "monomorphism preserving" в других словарях:

  • Morphism — In mathematics, a morphism is an abstraction derived from structure preserving mappings between two mathematical structures. The notion of morphism recurs in much of contemporary mathematics. In set theory, morphisms are functions; in linear… …   Wikipedia

  • Epimorphism — In category theory an epimorphism (also called an epic morphism or an epi) is a morphism f : X rarr; Y which is right cancellative in the following sense: : g 1 o f = g 2 o f implies g 1 = g 2 for all morphisms g 1, g 2 : Y rarr; Z .Epimorphisms… …   Wikipedia

  • Abelian category — In mathematics, an abelian category is a category in which morphisms and objects can be added and in which kernels and cokernels exist and have desirable properties. The motivating prototype example of an abelian category is the category of… …   Wikipedia

  • Category of rings — In mathematics, the category of rings, denoted by Ring, is the category whose objects are rings (with identity) and whose morphisms are ring homomorphisms (preserving the identity). Like many categories in mathematics, the category of rings is… …   Wikipedia

  • Embedding — In mathematics, an embedding (or imbedding) is one instance of some mathematical structure contained within another instance, such as a group that is a subgroup.When some object X is said to be embedded in another object Y , the embedding is… …   Wikipedia

  • Category theory — In mathematics, category theory deals in an abstract way with mathematical structures and relationships between them: it abstracts from sets and functions to objects and morphisms . Categories now appear in most branches of mathematics and in… …   Wikipedia

  • Homomorphism — In abstract algebra, a homomorphism is a structure preserving map between two algebraic structures (such as groups, rings, or vector spaces). The word homomorphism comes from the Greek language: ὁμός (homos) meaning same and μορφή (morphe)… …   Wikipedia

  • Isomorphism — In abstract algebra, an isomorphism (Greek: ἴσος isos equal , and μορφή morphe shape ) is a bijective map f such that both f and its inverse f −1 are homomorphisms, i.e., structure preserving mappings.In the more general setting of category… …   Wikipedia

  • Duality (mathematics) — In mathematics, a duality, generally speaking, translates concepts, theorems or mathematical structures into other concepts, theorems or structures, in a one to one fashion, often (but not always) by means of an involution operation: if the dual… …   Wikipedia

  • Category of topological spaces — In mathematics, the category of topological spaces, often denoted Top, is the category whose objects are topological spaces and whose morphisms are continuous maps. This is a category because the composition of two continuous maps is again… …   Wikipedia

  • A¹ homotopy theory — In algebraic geometry and algebraic topology, a branch of mathematics, A1 homotopy theory is a way to apply the techniques of algebraic topology, specifically homotopy, to algebraic varieties and, more generally, to schemes. The theory is due to… …   Wikipedia

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