monomolecular film
Смотреть что такое "monomolecular film" в других словарях:
monomolecular film — monomolecular film, a film one molecule thick; molecular film … Useful english dictionary
monomolecular film — vienmolekulė plėvelė statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. monomolecular film; unimolecular film vok. Einfachschicht, f; monomolekulare Schicht, f; Monoschicht, f rus. мономолекулярная плёнка, f pranc. film monomoléculaire, m; film… … Fizikos terminų žodynas
monomolecular film — A layer of monomolecular thickness of a polar substance spread over a free water surface to prevent evaporation … Lexicon of Cave and Karst Terminology
monomolecular — adjective Date: 1917 being only one molecule thick < a monomolecular film > • monomolecularly adverb … New Collegiate Dictionary
monomolecular — 1. SYN: unimolecular. 2. Relating to a singular molecular entity. * * * mono·mo·lec·u·lar .män ō mə lek yə lər adj 1) being only one molecule thick <a monomolecular film> 2) relating to or being a process whose rate is directly proportional … Medical dictionary
film monomoléculaire — vienmolekulė plėvelė statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. monomolecular film; unimolecular film vok. Einfachschicht, f; monomolekulare Schicht, f; Monoschicht, f rus. мономолекулярная плёнка, f pranc. film monomoléculaire, m; film… … Fizikos terminų žodynas
film unimoléculaire — vienmolekulė plėvelė statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. monomolecular film; unimolecular film vok. Einfachschicht, f; monomolekulare Schicht, f; Monoschicht, f rus. мономолекулярная плёнка, f pranc. film monomoléculaire, m; film… … Fizikos terminų žodynas
Monomolecular wire — (or Monofilament) is a fictional wire, often used as a weapon, consisting of single strand of strongly bonded molecules, like carbon nanotubes. It has applications in cutting objects and severing adjacent molecules. A similar or identical concept … Wikipedia
monomolecular — /mɒnoʊməˈlɛkjələ/ (say monohmuh lekyuhluh) adjective indicating a thickness of one molecule, especially a layer or film …
molecular film — noun : a monomolecular film or layer : monolayer * * * Physical Chem. a film or layer one molecule thick. Also called monolayer. * * * molecular film, = monomolecular film. (Cf. ↑monomolecular film) … Useful english dictionary
unimolecular film — vienmolekulė plėvelė statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. monomolecular film; unimolecular film vok. Einfachschicht, f; monomolekulare Schicht, f; Monoschicht, f rus. мономолекулярная плёнка, f pranc. film monomoléculaire, m; film… … Fizikos terminų žodynas