monomial algebra

monomial algebra
мат. мономиальная алгебра

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "monomial algebra" в других словарях:

  • monomial — mo·no·mi·al || mÉ™ nəʊmɪəl n. one term or letter (Algebra) adj. made of one term; of a monomial (Algebra) …   English contemporary dictionary

  • Algebra tiles — Algebra tiles are known as mathematical manipulatives that allow students to better understand ways of algebraic thinking and the concepts of algebra. These tiles have proven to provide concrete models for elementary school, middle school, high …   Wikipedia

  • monomial — [mō nō′mē əl, mänō′mē əl] adj. [ MO(NO) + (BI)NOMIAL] 1. Algebra consisting of only one term 2. Biol. consisting of only one word: said of a taxonomic name n. a monomial expression, quantity, or name …   English World dictionary

  • Monomial group — In mathematics, in the area of algebra studying the character theory of finite groups, an M group or monomial group is a finite group whose complex irreducible characters are all monomial, that is, induced from characters of degree 1 (Isaacs… …   Wikipedia

  • Monomial order — In mathematics, a monomial order is a total order on the set of all (monic) monomials in a given polynomial ring, satisfying the following two properties: If u < v and w is any other monomial, then uw<vw. In other words, the ordering… …   Wikipedia

  • Monomial representation — In mathematics, a linear representation ρ of a group G is a monomial representation if there is a finite index subgroup H and a one dimensional linear representation σ of H, such that ρ is equivalent to the induced representation IndHGσ.… …   Wikipedia

  • Monomial — In mathematics, in the context of polynomials, the word monomial can have one of two different meanings: The first is a product of powers of variables, or formally any value obtained by finitely many multiplications of a variable. If only a… …   Wikipedia

  • Monomial basis — In mathematics a monomial basis is a way to describe uniquely a polynomial using a linear combination of monomials. This description, the monomial form of a polynomial, is often used because of the simple structure of the monomial basis.… …   Wikipedia

  • monomial — /moh noh mee euhl, meuh /, adj. 1. Algebra. a. consisting of one term only. b. (of a matrix) having exactly one non zero term in each row and each column. 2. Biol. noting or pertaining to a name that consists of a single word or term. n. 3.… …   Universalium

  • Monomial conjecture — In commutative algebra, a subfield of mathematics, the monomial conjecture of Melvin Hochster says the following:[1] Let A be a Noetherian local ring of Krull dimension d and let x1, ..., xd be a system of parameters for A (so that… …   Wikipedia

  • monomial — /mɒˈnoʊmiəl/ (say mo nohmeeuhl) Algebra –adjective 1. consisting of one term only. –noun 2. a monomial expression or quantity. {irregularly from mo(no) + nomial, after binomial} …  

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