Смотреть что такое "monometallism" в других словарях:
Monometallism — Mon o*met al*lism, n. [Mono + metal.] The legalized use of one metal only, as gold, or silver, in the standard currency of a country, or as a standard of money values. See {Bimetallism}. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
monometallism — [män΄əmet′ l iz΄əm] n. 1. the use of only one metal, usually gold or silver, as the monetary standard 2. the doctrine or policies supporting this monometallist n … English World dictionary
monometallism — noun Etymology: International Scientific Vocabulary mon + metallism (as in bimetallism) Date: 1879 the adoption of one metal only in a currency • monometallist noun … New Collegiate Dictionary
monometallism — monometallist, n. /mon euh met l iz euhm/, n. 1. the use of one metal only, as gold or silver, as a monetary standard. 2. the doctrine or actions supporting such a standard. [1875 80; MONO + (BI)METALLISM] * * * … Universalium
monometallism — mÉ‘nÉ™metlɪzm / mÉ’ n. (Economics) theory of using one type of metal as a money value … English contemporary dictionary
monometallism — mono·met·al·lism … English syllables
monometallism — mon•o•met•al•lism [[t]ˌmɒn əˈmɛt lˌɪz əm[/t]] n. 1) the use of one metal only as a monetary standard 2) the doctrine or actions supporting this • Etymology: 1875–80; mono + (bi) metallism mon o•met′al•list, n … From formal English to slang
monometallism — /mɒnoʊˈmɛtəlɪzəm/ (say monoh metuhlizuhm) noun Economics 1. the use of one metal only (as gold or silver) as the monetary standard. 2. the doctrine or actions supporting such a standard. –monometallist, noun …
monometallism — n. use of one metal as currency standard; theory advocating this. ♦ monometallist, n … Dictionary of difficult words
monometallism — | ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷ at mono +|med.əlˌizəm, etəl noun ( s) Etymology: International Scientific Vocabulary mon + metallism (as in bimetallism) 1. : the legalized use of one metal only (as gold or silver) in the st … Useful english dictionary
МОНОМЕТАЛЛИЗМ — MONOMETALLISM, SINGLE STANDARD. Термин имеет следующие значения1. MONOMETALLISM. Ден. система, основанная на золоте или серебре, тогда как остальные металлы могут играть лишь вспомогательную роль. Это означает, что только монеты, изготовленные из … Энциклопедия банковского дела и финансов