monologize — verb a) To deliver a monologue. No, Mr. Blenkinsop, he replied to the submissive curate, standing on his hearth rug at full height and regarding the cornice as his habit was when he began to monologize no, I find it impossible to entertain such… … Wiktionary
monologize — mo·nol·o·gize … English syllables
monologize — … Useful english dictionary
monologise — monologize or monologise /mon olˈə jīz/ intransitive verb To indulge in this (also monolˈoguize or monolˈoguise / gīz/) • • • Main Entry: ↑monologue … Useful english dictionary
mon|o|logu|ize — «MON uh LG yz, LOG », intransitive verb. ized, iz|ing. = monologize. (Cf. ↑monologize) … Useful english dictionary
monologue — 1. noun a) A type of art that consist of soliloquy, a long speech by one person. b) A long series of comic stories and jokes as an entertainment. Syn … Wiktionary
hold forth — Synonyms and related words: debate, declaim, demagogue, discourse, elocute, explain, exposit, expound, extend, harangue, hold out, lecture, monologize, monopolize the conversation, moralize, mouth, offer, orate, out herod Herod, perorate, point a … Moby Thesaurus
monology — n. soliloquy; monopoly of the conversation. ♦ monologian, ♦ monologist, n. ♦ monologic(al), a. ♦ monologize, v.i … Dictionary of difficult words
monologue — n. 1 a a scene in a drama in which a person speaks alone. b a dramatic composition for one performer. 2 a long speech by one person in a conversation etc. Derivatives: monologic adj. monological adj. monologist n. (also loguist). monologize… … Useful english dictionary