Смотреть что такое "monocarbonic" в других словарях:
monocarbonic — mon o*car*bon ic, monocarboxylic mon o*car*box*yl ic, a. [Mono + carbonic.] (Chem.) Containing one carboxyl group; as, acetic acid is a monocarbonic acid. The more common term is {monocarboxylic}. Contrasted with {dicarboxylic}, {tricarboxylic},… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
monocarboxylic — monocarbonic mon o*car*bon ic, monocarboxylic mon o*car*box*yl ic, a. [Mono + carbonic.] (Chem.) Containing one carboxyl group; as, acetic acid is a monocarbonic acid. The more common term is {monocarboxylic}. Contrasted with {dicarboxylic},… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
monocarboxylic — monocarbonic mon o*car*bon ic, monocarboxylic mon o*car*box*yl ic, a. [Mono + carbonic.] (Chem.) Containing one carboxyl group; as, acetic acid is a monocarbonic acid. The more common term is {monocarboxylic}. Contrasted with {dicarboxylic},… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Fatty — Fat ty, a. Containing fat, or having the qualities of fat; greasy; gross; as, a fatty substance. [1913 Webster] {Fatty acid} (Chem.), any one of the paraffin series of monocarbonic acids, as formic acid, acetic, etc.; so called because the higher … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Fatty acid — Fatty Fat ty, a. Containing fat, or having the qualities of fat; greasy; gross; as, a fatty substance. [1913 Webster] {Fatty acid} (Chem.), any one of the paraffin series of monocarbonic acids, as formic acid, acetic, etc.; so called because the… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Fatty clays — Fatty Fat ty, a. Containing fat, or having the qualities of fat; greasy; gross; as, a fatty substance. [1913 Webster] {Fatty acid} (Chem.), any one of the paraffin series of monocarbonic acids, as formic acid, acetic, etc.; so called because the… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Fatty degeneration — Fatty Fat ty, a. Containing fat, or having the qualities of fat; greasy; gross; as, a fatty substance. [1913 Webster] {Fatty acid} (Chem.), any one of the paraffin series of monocarbonic acids, as formic acid, acetic, etc.; so called because the… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Fatty heart — Fatty Fat ty, a. Containing fat, or having the qualities of fat; greasy; gross; as, a fatty substance. [1913 Webster] {Fatty acid} (Chem.), any one of the paraffin series of monocarbonic acids, as formic acid, acetic, etc.; so called because the… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Fatty infiltration — Fatty Fat ty, a. Containing fat, or having the qualities of fat; greasy; gross; as, a fatty substance. [1913 Webster] {Fatty acid} (Chem.), any one of the paraffin series of monocarbonic acids, as formic acid, acetic, etc.; so called because the… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Fatty liver — Fatty Fat ty, a. Containing fat, or having the qualities of fat; greasy; gross; as, a fatty substance. [1913 Webster] {Fatty acid} (Chem.), any one of the paraffin series of monocarbonic acids, as formic acid, acetic, etc.; so called because the… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Fatty tumor — Fatty Fat ty, a. Containing fat, or having the qualities of fat; greasy; gross; as, a fatty substance. [1913 Webster] {Fatty acid} (Chem.), any one of the paraffin series of monocarbonic acids, as formic acid, acetic, etc.; so called because the… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English