monitor lizard
Смотреть что такое "monitor lizard" в других словарях:
Monitor lizard — Monitor Varanus albigularis Scientific classification Kingdom: Anima … Wikipedia
monitor lizard — Any of about 30 species of lizards (genus Varanus, family Varanidae), found in the Old World tropics and subtropics. Most have an elongated head and neck, a heavy body, a long tail, and well developed legs. The smallest monitor grows to 8 in. (20 … Universalium
monitor lizard — noun any of various large tropical carnivorous lizards of Africa and Asia and Australia; fabled to warn of crocodiles • Syn: ↑monitor, ↑varan • Hypernyms: ↑lizard • Hyponyms: ↑African monitor, ↑Varanus nilotic … Useful english dictionary
monitor lizard — mon′itor liz ard n. ram monitor 10) … From formal English to slang
monitor lizard — noun Date: 1856 any of various large tropical carnivorous lizards (genus Varanus of the family Varanidae) of Australia, Asia, and Africa … New Collegiate Dictionary
monitor lizard — noun Any of various large lizards of the genus Varanus, native to Africa, Asia and Australia, that are carnivorous … Wiktionary
monitor — ► NOUN 1) a person or device that monitors something. 2) a television used to view a picture from a particular camera or a display from a computer. 3) a loudspeaker used by performers to hear what is being played or recorded. 4) a school pupil… … English terms dictionary
monitor — monitorship, n. /mon i teuhr/ n. 1. a student appointed to assist in the conduct of a class or school, as to help take attendance or keep order. 2. a person appointed to supervise students, applicants, etc., taking an examination, chiefly to… … Universalium
Monitor — Contents 1 Computers 2 Medical applications 3 Place names 4 … Wikipedia
monitor — noun 1》 a person or device that monitors something. 2》 a television receiver used in a studio to view the picture being transmitted from a particular camera. ↘a screen which displays an image generated by a computer. ↘a loudspeaker used… … English new terms dictionary
monitor — I. noun Etymology: Latin, one that warns, overseer, from monēre to warn more at mind Date: 1546 1. a. a student appointed to assist a teacher b. one that warns or instructs c. one that monitors or is used in monitoring: as (1) a cathode ray tube… … New Collegiate Dictionary