monitor call instruction

monitor call instruction
команда вызова монитора

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "monitor call instruction" в других словарях:

  • Instruction path length — is a term frequently used to simply describe the number of machine code instructions required to execute a section of a computer program. The total path length for the entire program could be deemed a measure of the algorithms performance on a… …   Wikipedia

  • Instruction set simulator — An instruction set simulator (ISS) is a simulation model, usually coded in a high level programming language, which mimics the behavior of a mainframe or microprocessor by reading instructions and maintaining internal variables which represent… …   Wikipedia

  • Jeu D'instruction X86 — Article détaillé : Jeu d instructions. Le jeu d instructions du x86 a subi de nombreux changements au cours du temps. La plupart d entre eux ne sont que des ajouts au jeu d instruction initial afin d apporter de nouvelles fonctionnalités.… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Jeu d'instruction x86 — Article détaillé : Jeu d instructions. Le jeu d instructions du x86 a subi de nombreux changements au cours du temps. La plupart d entre eux ne sont que des ajouts au jeu d instruction initial afin d apporter de nouvelles fonctionnalités.… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • X86 instruction listings — The x86 instruction set has undergone numerous changes over time. Most of them were to add new functionality to the instruction set.x86 integer instructionsThis is the full 8086/8088 instruction set, but most, if not all of these instructions are …   Wikipedia

  • Strip search prank call scam — The McDonald s strip search scam was a series of incidents occurring for roughly a decade before an arrest was made in 2004. These incidents involved a man calling a restaurant or grocery store, claiming to be a police detective, and convincing… …   Wikipedia

  • Michigan Terminal System — (MTS) The MTS welcome screen as seen through a 3270 terminal emulator. Company / developer University of Michigan and 7 other universities in the US, Canada, and the UK …   Wikipedia

  • Norsk Data Assembler — MAC was a Macro assembler for computers of the NORD 1, NORD 10, and ND 100 lines from Norsk Data. Contents 1 Limitations 1.1 Identifier length 1.2 Translation to machine code …   Wikipedia

  • Process management (computing) — Operating systems …   Wikipedia

  • MOS Technology 6502 — The MOS Technology 6502 is an 8 bit microprocessor that was designed by Chuck Peddle for MOS Technology in 1975. When it was introduced, it was the least expensive full featured CPU on the market by a considerable margin, costing less than one… …   Wikipedia

  • Hypervisor — In computing, a hypervisor, also called virtual machine monitor , is a virtualization platform that allows multiple operating systems to run on a host computer at the same time.ClassificationsHypervisors are currently classified in two types: [… …   Wikipedia

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