- money-grubber
- ˈmʌnɪˌɡrʌbə сущ. стяжатель, рвач, хапуга Syn : grabber, person on the make (разговорное) стяжатель
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
money-grubber — money grubbing UK US adjective (also money grabbing) DISAPPROVING ► mainly interested in money and doing everything possible to get it: »They see their bosses as money grubbing robots and not as coworkers. money grubber noun [C] (also money… … Financial and business terms
money-grubber — [mun′ē grub΄ər] n. a person who is greedily intent on accumulating money money grubbing adj., n. * * * … Universalium
money-grubber — [mun′ē grub΄ər] n. a person who is greedily intent on accumulating money money grubbing adj., n … English World dictionary
money grubber — n. a stingy person. □ Why is he such a money grubber? Is he going to take it with him? □ The boss is such a money grubber. He still has his first paper clip … Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions
money-grubber — monˈey grubber noun A sordid accumulator of wealth • • • Main Entry: ↑money … Useful english dictionary
money-grubber — /ˈmʌni grʌbə / (say munee grubuh) noun Colloquial an avaricious person; one devoted entirely to the making of money. –money grubbing, adjective …
money-grubber — noun Date: 1840 a person bent on accumulating money • moneygrubbing adjective or noun … New Collegiate Dictionary
money-grubber — mon|ey grub|ber [ mʌni ,grʌbər ] adjective AMERICAN INFORMAL someone who is very interested in getting money ╾ mon|ey grub|bing [ mʌni ,grʌbıŋ ] adjective … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
money grubber — n. person determined to accumulate money … English contemporary dictionary
money-grubbing — UK US adjective (also money grabbing) DISAPPROVING ► mainly interested in money and doing everything possible to get it: »They see their bosses as money grubbing robots and not as coworkers. money grubber noun [C] (also money grabber) ► … Financial and business terms
money-grabbing — ˈmoney ˌgrabbing also ˈmoney ˌgrubbing adjective disapproving determined to get money, even by unfair or illegal methods: • I haven t turned into a nasty, cynical, money grubbing old man. money grabber also money grubber noun [countable] … Financial and business terms