money supply
Смотреть что такое "money supply" в других словарях:
money supply — money sup.ply n [singular] technical all the money that exists in a country s economic system at a particular time ▪ his policy of controlling the money supply and cutting public spending … Dictionary of contemporary English
money supply — n. All money in the economy at a given time. The Essential Law Dictionary. Sphinx Publishing, An imprint of Sourcebooks, Inc. Amy Hackney Blackwell. 2008 … Law dictionary
money supply — ► NOUN ▪ the total amount of money in circulation or in existence in a country … English terms dictionary
Money supply — Finance Financial markets Bond market … Wikipedia
money supply — The amount of money in the economy, consisting primarily of currency in circulation plus deposits in banks: M 1 U.S. money supply consisting of currency held by the public, traveler s checks, checking account funds, NOW and super NOW accounts,… … Financial and business terms
Money supply — M1 A: Currency plus demand deposits M1 B: M1 A plus other checkable deposits. The New York Times Financial Glossary M2: M1 B plus overnight repos, money market funds, savings, and small (less than $100M) time deposits. The New York Times… … Financial and business terms
money supply — Econ. the sum of demand or checking account deposits and currency in circulation. [1875 80] * * * Liquid assets held by individuals and banks. The money supply includes coins, currency, and demand deposits (checking accounts). Some economists… … Universalium
money supply — monetary stock The quantity of money issued by a country s monetary authorities (usually the central bank). If the demand for money is stable, the widely accepted quantity theory of money implies that increases in the money supply will lead… … Big dictionary of business and management
money supply — noun the total stock of money in the economy; currency held by the public plus money in accounts in banks • Hypernyms: ↑funds, ↑finances, ↑monetary resource, ↑cash in hand, ↑pecuniary resource • Hyponyms: ↑M1, ↑M2, ↑ … Useful english dictionary
money supply — / mʌni səˌplaɪ/ noun the amount of money which exists in a country COMMENT: Money supply is believed by some to be at the centre of control of a country’s economy. If money supply is tight (i.e. the government restricts the issue of new notes and … Dictionary of banking and finance
money supply — N UNCOUNT: usu the N The money supply is the total amount of money in a country s economy at any one time. They believed that controlling the money supply would reduce inflation … English dictionary