money resources
Смотреть что такое "money resources" в других словарях:
Money Management International — Type 501(C)(3) Corporation Founded 1997[1 … Wikipedia
Money laundering — is the process of disguising illegal sources of money so that it looks like it came from legal sources.[1] The methods by which money may be laundered are varied and can range in sophistication. Many regulatory and governmental authorities quote… … Wikipedia
money — mon·ey / mə nē/ n pl moneys or mon·ies / mə nēz/ 1: an accepted or authorized medium of exchange; esp: coinage or negotiable paper issued as legal tender by a government 2 a: assets or compensation in the form of or readily convertible into cash… … Law dictionary
Money disorders — are the maladaptive patterns of financial beliefs and behaviors that lead to clinically significant distress, impairment in social or occupational functioning, due to financial strain or an inability to appropriately enjoy one’s financial… … Wikipedia
Money (The Office) — Money The Office episode Michael takes a second job to earn more Money … Wikipedia
Resources, Events, Agents — (REA) is a model of how an accounting system can be reengineered for the computer age. REA was originally proposed in 1982 by William E. McCarthy as a generalized accounting model, and contained the concepts of resources, events and agents. REA… … Wikipedia
resources — Money or any property that can be converted to meet needs; means of raising money or supplies; capabilities of raising wealth or to supply necessary wants; available means or capability of any kind. Cerenzia v. Department of Social Security of… … Black's law dictionary
resources — [n] money, possessions, natural resources ace in hole*, assets, backing, bankroll, basics, belongings, budget, capital, collateral, effects, funds, holdings, income, kitty*, material goods, means, nest egg*, nut*, property, reserves, revenue,… … New thesaurus
resources — index advantage, assets, capital, cash, effects, estate (property), finance, fund … Law dictionary
money — [n] currency accepted as exchange for goods, services almighty dollar*, banknote, bankroll, bill, bread*, bucks*, capital, cash, check, chips, coin, coinage, dough*, finances, fund, funds, gold, gravy*, greenback*, hard cash*, legal tender, loot* … New thesaurus
money market — the short term trade in money, as in the sale and purchase of bonds and certificates. [1925 30] * * * Set of institutions, conventions, and practices whose aim is to facilitate the lending and borrowing of money on a short term basis. The money… … Universalium