Смотреть что такое "monastery" в других словарях:
Monastery — of St. Nilus on Stolbnyi Island in Lake Seliger near Ostashkov, Russia, ca. 1910 … Wikipedia
monastery — (n.) c.1400, from O.Fr. monastere monastery (14c.) and directly from L.L. monasterium, from Eccles. Gk. monasterion a monastery, from monazein to live alone, from monos alone (see MONO (Cf. mono )). With suffix terion place for (doing something) … Etymology dictionary
Monastery — Mon as*te*ry, n.; pl. {Monasteries}. [L. monasterium, Gr. ?, fr. ? a solitary, a monk, fr. ? to be alone, live in solitude, fr. mo nos alone. Cf. {Minister}.] A house of religious retirement, or of secusion from ordinary temporal concerns,… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
monastery — *cloister, convent, nunnery, abbey, priory … New Dictionary of Synonyms
monastery — [n] place where monks live abbey, cloister, friary, house, lamasery, priory, religious community; concepts 368,439,516 … New thesaurus
monastery — ► NOUN (pl. monasteries) ▪ a community of monks living under religious vows. ORIGIN Greek monast rion, from monazein live alone … English terms dictionary
monastery — [män′ə ster΄ē] n. pl. monasteries [ME monasterie < LL(Ec) monasterium < LGr(Ec) monastērion < Gr monazein, to be alone < monos, alone: see MONO ] 1. a building or residence for monks or others who have withdrawn from the world for… … English World dictionary
monastery — noun ADJECTIVE ▪ great ▪ the great monastery of St Quentin ▪ ancient, medieval, old ▪ ruined ▪ … Collocations dictionary
MONASTERY — Western European monastic communities began to develop into more formalized brick and stone architectural compounds during the reign of Charlemagne in the 800s. Monasteries, which function as a place of prayer and are inhabited by people… … Historical Dictionary of Architecture
monastery — UK [ˈmɒnəst(ə)rɪ] / US [ˈmɑnəˌsterɪ] noun [countable] Word forms monastery : singular monastery plural monasteries a building where a group of monks (= a religious community of men) lives and works … English dictionary
monastery — monasterial /mon euh stear ee euhl/, adj. /mon euh ster ee/, n., pl. monasteries. 1. a house or place of residence occupied by a community of persons, esp. monks, living in seclusion under religious vows. 2. the community of persons living in… … Universalium