monadic predicate

monadic predicate
мат. одноместный предикат

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "monadic predicate" в других словарях:

  • Monadic predicate calculus — In logic, the monadic predicate calculus is the fragment of predicate calculus in which all predicate letters are monadic (that is, they take only one argument), and there are no function letters. All atomic formulae have the form P(x), where P… …   Wikipedia

  • monadic predicate logic — noun The fragment of predicate logic in which all predicate letters are monadic (that is, they take only one argument), and there are no function letters …   Wiktionary

  • Predicate functor logic — In mathematical logic, predicate functor logic (PFL) is one of several ways to express first order logic (formerly known as predicate logic) by purely algebraic means, i.e., without quantified variables. PFL employs a small number of algebraic… …   Wikipedia

  • monadic — A predicate is monadic if it requires only one singular term to make a sentence: ‘…is mortal’ is monadic. The contrast is with n adic predicates (relational predicates) that require n places to be filled where n > 1. The monadic predicate… …   Philosophy dictionary

  • Monadic Boolean algebra — In abstract algebra, a monadic Boolean algebra is an algebraic structure with signature 〈A, ·, +, , 0, 1, ∃〉 of type 〈2,2,1,0,0,1〉, where 〈A, ·, +, , 0, 1〉 is a Boolean algebra. The prefixed unary operator ∃ denotes the existential quantifier,… …   Wikipedia

  • Predicate abstraction — In logic, predicate abstraction is the result of creating a predicate from an open sentence. If Q(x) is any formula with x free then the predicate formed from that sentence is (λx.Q(x)), where λ is an abstraction operator. The resultant predicate …   Wikipedia

  • monadic — (ˈ)mō|nadik, (ˈ)mä| adjective Etymology: Greek monadikos, from monad , monas monad + ikos ic 1. a. : consisting of monads b. : of, relating to, or like monads : atomistic, individual …   Useful english dictionary

  • First-order predicate — A first order predicate (also called a monad) is a predicate that takes only individual(s) constants or variables as argument(s). Compare second order predicate and higher order predicate. ee also*First order predicate calculus *Monadic predicate …   Wikipedia

  • Metalogic — is the study of the metatheory of logic. While logic is the study of the manner in which logical systems can be used to decide the correctness of arguments, metalogic studies the properties of the logical systems themselves.[1] According to… …   Wikipedia

  • logic — logicless, adj. /loj ik/, n. 1. the science that investigates the principles governing correct or reliable inference. 2. a particular method of reasoning or argumentation: We were unable to follow his logic. 3. the system or principles of… …   Universalium

  • Outline of logic — The following outline is provided as an overview of and topical guide to logic: Logic – formal science of using reason, considered a branch of both philosophy and mathematics. Logic investigates and classifies the structure of statements and… …   Wikipedia

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