molecular ray
Смотреть что такое "molecular ray" в других словарях:
molecular ray — molecular beam or molecular ray, a stream of molecules moving in about the same direction and at approximately the same speed … Useful english dictionary
molecular ray — molekulių pluoštas statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. molecular beam; molecular ray vok. Molekülstrahl, m; Molekularstrahl, m; Molekularstrahlenbündel, n rus. молекулярный луч, m; молекулярный пучок, m; пучок молекул, m pranc. faisceau… … Fizikos terminų žodynas
molecular beam — Physics. a stream of molecules freed from a substance, usually a salt, by evaporation and then passed through a narrow slit for focusing, for investigating the properties of nuclei, atoms, and molecules. Also called molecular ray. * * * ▪ physics … Universalium
molecular beam — noun : a stream of molecules that escape at thermal speeds from a heated enclosure, that are controlled by slits so as to move in nearly parallel paths, and that are used in determining the electric and magnetic properties of atoms, atomic nuclei … Useful english dictionary
molecular beam — molekulių pluoštas statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. molecular beam; molecular ray vok. Molekülstrahl, m; Molekularstrahl, m; Molekularstrahlenbündel, n rus. молекулярный луч, m; молекулярный пучок, m; пучок молекул, m pranc. faisceau… … Fizikos terminų žodynas
molecular beam — /məlɛkjələ ˈbim/ (say muhlekyuhluh beem) noun a stream of molecules in a vacuum moving in directions almost parallel, produced experimentally by passing the molecules through a series of narrow openings. Also, molecular ray …
Molecular graphics — (MG) is the discipline and philosophy of studying molecules and their properties through graphical representation.[1] IUPAC limits the definition to representations on a graphical display device .[2] Ever since Dalton s atoms and Kekulé s benzene … Wikipedia
Molecular dynamics — (MD) is a computer simulation of physical movements of atoms and molecules. The atoms and molecules are allowed to interact for a period of time, giving a view of the motion of the atoms. In the most common version, the trajectories of molecules… … Wikipedia
Molecular replacement — Molecular replacement[1] (or MR) is a method of solving the phase problem in X ray crystallography. MR relies upon the existence of a previously solved protein structure which is homologous (similar) to our unknown structure from which the… … Wikipedia
Molecular biology — (pronounced /məˈlɛkjʊlər .../) is the branch of biology that deals with the molecular basis of biological activity. This field overlaps with other areas of biology and chemistry, particularly genetics and biochemistry. Molecular biology… … Wikipedia
Molecular engineering — is any means of manufacturing molecules. It may be used to create, on an extremely small scale, most typically one at a time, new molecules which may not exist in nature, or be stable beyond a very narrow range of conditions. Today this is an… … Wikipedia