molding shrinkage
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Injection molding — (British: moulding) is a manufacturing process for producing parts from both thermoplastic and thermosetting plastic materials. Molten plastic is injected at high pressure into a mold, which is the inverse of the product s shape. After a product… … Wikipedia
Rotational molding — or moulding is a versatile process for creating many kinds of mostly hollow plastic parts. The phrase is often shortened to rotomolding or rotomoulding.The process was developed in the 1940s but in early years was used little because it was a… … Wikipedia
Sprue (molding) — A sprue is the passage through which molten material is introduced into a mold. During casting or molding, the material in the sprue will solidify and need to be removed from the finished part.CastingIn casting, a sprue is the passage through… … Wikipedia
Casting (metalworking) — Casting iron in a sand mold In metalworking, casting involves pouring liquid metal into a mold, which contains a hollow cavity of the desired shape, and then allowing it to cool and solidify. The solidified part is also known as a casting, which… … Wikipedia
Casting defect — A casting defect is an irregularity in the metal casting process that is undesired. Some defects can be tolerated while others can be repaired otherwise they must be eliminated. They are broken down into five main categories: gas porosity,… … Wikipedia
Riser (casting) — Underfeeder redirects here. For the health problem, see Underfeeding. A bronze casting showing the sprue and risers A riser, also known as a feeder,[1] is a reservoir built into a metal casting … Wikipedia
metallurgy — metallurgic, metallurgical, adj. metallurgically, adv. metallurgist /met l err jist/ or, esp. Brit., /meuh tal euhr jist/, n. /met l err jee/ or, esp. Brit., /meuh tal euhr jee/, n. 1. the technique or science of working or heating metals so as… … Universalium
Ceramic mold casting — Ceramic mold casting, also known ambiguously as ceramic molding,[1] is a group of metal casting processes that use ceramics as the mold material. It is a combination of plaster mold casting and investment casting.[2][3] There are two types of… … Wikipedia
Otoplasty — Otoplasty: the pre operative front aspect (left), and the post operative front aspect (right) of an infantile otopexy (ear pinback) correction to a girl. Otoplasty (Greek ōtoûs, ear + plassein, to shape) denotes the surgical and non surgical… … Wikipedia
Directional solidification — Prog … Wikipedia
Core (manufacturing) — A core is a device used in casting and molding processes to produce internal cavities and reentrant angles. The core is normally a disposable item that is destroyed to get it out of the piece.[1] They are most commonly used in sand casting, but… … Wikipedia